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Athletic Footjob
Sep 24, 2005
Grimey Drawer


beef express
Sep 7, 2005

The highest technique is to have no technique.
I've never hit the buy button so fast. Rollercoaster Tycoon is the best in the series :)

Aug 9, 2009

Instant buy. Fingers crossed they get RCT2 as well.

Nov 4, 2009

I've never played Rollercoaster Tycoon, but I loving love those graphics. It it basically Theme Park without all the stuff that isn't rollercoasters?

May 1, 2008


Hakkesshu posted:

I've never played Rollercoaster Tycoon, but I loving love those graphics. It it basically Theme Park without all the stuff that isn't rollercoasters?

No, it has pretty much all the stuff from Theme Park but is more engineer-y with g-forces and etc. And much deeper and better than any iteration of Theme Park.

Also coded by a single dude with assembly.

Kennel fucked around with this message at 12:35 on Jul 7, 2011

champagne posting
Apr 5, 2006


And in sprite format instead of those pesky first era polygons.

Oct 6, 2008

Lipstick Apathy
HOLY poo poo


Honest Thief
Jan 11, 2009

Kennel posted:

Also coded by a single dude with assembly.

How in the gently caress he managed that?

Apr 9, 2008

beef express posted:

I've never hit the buy button so fast. Rollercoaster Tycoon is the best in the series :)

What? No. It's RC3 all the way. David Braben makes good games :colbert:

Apr 16, 2008

Oh hell yes. Finally my childhood dream of having the full version of this game is about to come true.

Feb 24, 2011

my desire to just be a FUCKING IDIOT all day long is rapidly overtaking my ability to FUNCTION

i suspect that means i'm MENTALLY ILL

Vastakaiun posted:

Oh hell yes. Finally my childhood dream of having the full version of this game is about to come true.
But Forest Frontiers is all I need! :kiddo:

The Machine
Dec 15, 2004
Rage Against / Welcome to
So, starting tomorrow: Daily deals until July 25th.

This is going to loving kill me.

(Also, RCT eeeeeee! :toot:)

Apr 10, 2006

Fire Down Below: Crab Company 2

Alchenar posted:

What? No. It's RC3 all the way. David Braben makes good games :colbert:

I would agree with you if RCT3 wasn't the buggiest piece of poo poo ever made. Did they make a super patch sometime after release because it was drat near unplayable when it first came out.

Mar 20, 2010

Soiled Meat
I think this was the first game where I killed people that didn't need to be killed :allears:
And more deals on the way? They're putting up some competition with Steam it seems.

May 10, 2009
Oh my... I remembered I played RCT so much the CD exploded. No really, when I was closing the disk tray I accidentally had the CD a bit out of the tray, resulting in CD shrapnel everywhere. It may have been revenge for me not being able to manage my budget and making death traps all the time. Since I gave my only left to my friend (the good expansion CD was the that exploded) I guess I'll have to buy it.

Also yay sales! Here is what I'm hoping will go on sale:
Another World
Alpha Centauri
Panzer General 2

scamtank posted:

But Forest Frontiers is all I need! :kiddo:
Oh yeah that's what exploded, Loopy Landscapes. I've still also got my manuals to for it. Maybe if I actually read the manuals I would have done more successful parks... pff nah.

jvempire fucked around with this message at 17:33 on Jul 7, 2011

Aug 23, 2007
I need to sleep

Toadsniff posted:

I would agree with you if RCT3 wasn't the buggiest piece of poo poo ever made. Did they make a super patch sometime after release because it was drat near unplayable when it first came out.

Really? Ive played plenty of it I cant remember any issues .

May 10, 2009

Elias_Maluco posted:

Really? Ive played plenty of it I cant remember any issues .
It removed a lot of features from the old games. Some stuff of the top of my head was all difficulty and challenge were gone. There weren't that many buildings. There wasn't any maps besides the green flat land (from memory, I only played at launch aswell). Most importantly... people couldn't die, and they were too easily impressed! There's a lot of other stuff it didn't have that I can't remember off the top of my head, but it just didn't compare to RCT1.

But I'll give them that a few features were cool, like first person view from people and rides. Actually I'll share how I had the most fun from RCT3. I would make a regular park for starters. When I got enough people I used a terrain editor tool(make hills or holes) on the entire park, created somewhat of a scene from a disaster movie. People either got stuck, or they glitched up and down the slopes. I did that a couple of times and then never played the game again.

Aug 23, 2007
I need to sleep

jvempire posted:

It removed a lot of features from the old games. Some stuff of the top of my head was all difficulty and challenge were gone. There weren't that many buildings. There wasn't any maps besides the green flat land (from memory, I only played at launch aswell). Most importantly... people couldn't die, and they were too easily impressed! There's a lot of other stuff it didn't have that I can't remember off the top of my head, but it just didn't compare to RCT1.

But I'll give them that a few features were cool, like first person view from people and rides. Actually I'll share how I had the most fun from RCT3. I would make a regular park for starters. When I got enough people I used a terrain editor tool(make hills or holes) on the entire park, created somewhat of a scene from a disaster movie. People either got stuck, or they glitched up and down the slopes. I did that a couple of times and then never played the game again.

Perhaps you are right, is the one I played less, and dont remember it that well. I just cant remember any bug. And riding your own rollercoaster in first person is amazing.

The one I played more was 2. Both 1 and 2 are awesome games, and 3 was very good too.

Elias_Maluco fucked around with this message at 17:57 on Jul 7, 2011

Feb 22, 2009


teethgrinder posted:

So this new Atlantis: The Lost Tales intrigues me because it's developed by Cryo, who also made Lost Eden which I loved back in the day. Wonder if that will show up on GOG.

Having played all cryo's late adventure games as a kid, I can tell you that Atlantis 1 (the lost tales) is probably the best one after lost eden & dune. Music is fantastic (still stéphane picq), graphics are still ok & the story is neat. Don't fall for the sequels though, they get shittier & shittier.

Chairman Pow!
Apr 23, 2010

Doc Hawkins posted:

Okay, once again posting what I've learned on the off-chance people are interested in playing Messiah (and you should, because it's fun and cool and different).

Thank you for this! I spent awhile the other day trying to get it to work, and this is a much better. Thanks for taking the time to figure this out, I had to play with resolutions until I found one with no tearing of the graphics. MY system was too crummy to play this when it first came out, and I was always dissapointed I missed out on Messiah. Time for future me to play the hell out of this game!

Dec 12, 2003
Saint of Killers

The Machine posted:

So, starting tomorrow: Daily deals until July 25th.

This is going to loving kill me.

(Also, RCT eeeeeee! :toot:)

Damnit, GOG. drat you!!!

I only avoided spending another $15+ on the last sale because Steam distracted me from Interplay's games... My wallet has nothing left to do but hope these "hidden gems" are games I already own or have no nostalgia for.

Purple D. Link
May 17, 2011

"Well let's check GOG, haven't been there in a whi-ROLLER COASTER TYCOON!!!" :w00t:

Of course this goes up after I told myself I wasn't going to purchase any more games after buying a few things from the Steam sale. :(

Eh! Frank
Mar 28, 2006

Doctor gave me these, I said what are these?
He said that they'll cure an existential type disease
Oh man, I love RCT. I played it a ton in high school. It was fun watching the little people going about the park, so I'd often find a random person, usually the person who'd been in the park the longest, and then track them just for the heck of it.

When playing one of the parks, I think it was the long one along a beach, I don't remember the name (edit: just looked it up, it was Bumbly Beach), I found one person who looked very happy. So I renamed him "Best Friend" or something silly like that, and kept his window open as I went about building and maintaining the park. Best Friend stayed happy the whole time, blowing his money on rides, snacks, souvenirs, and everything. After a while, I noticed that he had taken interest in one particular ride, an older roller coaster that I had made free (I believe it was the roller coaster that came pre-built in the park), so he rode it multiple times, loving it every time. I thought it was amusing, so I watched him for a while.

Watched as he left the ride, jumping with excitement. Watched as he went back to the line yet again. Watch as he climbed on board and the car left the station and climbed the hill. Watched him zip along, the little smiley face becoming more excited. Watched the car fly into the station, the brakes failing and the car crashing in an explosion, killing everybody on board, including Best Friend. :smith:

I still have the disks, including the expansions, yet I'm tempted to buy it again from GOG anyways. Hopefully they'll come out with RCT2 + Expansions sometime. I had the base game but never the expansions, and for some reasons never got into it like I did the first game (I think because you couldn't charge for park entry *and* rides, so I had troubles managing money), but I'd like to give it another try.

Eh! Frank fucked around with this message at 21:36 on Jul 7, 2011

Jun 15, 2001

by Y Kant Ozma Post
RCT is an amazing game! I remember being obsessed with grass cutting and cleanliness. Every park I made had an army of janitors to empty trash, clean up puke, and keep my guests happy! Good times.

Feb 24, 2011

my desire to just be a FUCKING IDIOT all day long is rapidly overtaking my ability to FUNCTION

i suspect that means i'm MENTALLY ILL

The first game's scenarios are light years ahead of the sequel's. If only I could have RCT1 with the "place-stuff-freely-on-a-vertical-axis" interface tweak from RCT2... :(

Apr 7, 2006

God, you vindictive bitch, why can't I ever have any "me" time

I was a SimCity 2000 kid, though I've certainly heard no end of how awesome the RCT games are. I hear a lot of debate over whether 1 or 2 was better though, what exactly was different between them? And are there any tips for actually running a profitable park?

Aug 23, 2007
I need to sleep

Eh! Frank posted:

Oh man, I love RCT. I played it a ton in high school. It was fun watching the little people going about the park, so I'd often find a random person, usually the person who'd been in the park the longest, and then track them just for the heck of it.

When playing one of the parks, I think it was the long one along a beach, I don't remember the name (edit: just looked it up, it was Bumbly Beach), I found one person who looked very happy. So I renamed him "Best Friend" or something silly like that, and kept his window open as I went about building and maintaining the park. Best Friend stayed happy the whole time, blowing his money on rides, snacks, souvenirs, and everything. After a while, I noticed that he had taken interest in one particular ride, an older roller coaster that I had made free (I believe it was the roller coaster that came pre-built in the park), so he rode it multiple times, loving it every time. I thought it was amusing, so I watched him for a while.

Watched as he left the ride, jumping with excitement. Watched as he went back to the line yet again. Watch as he climbed on board and the car left the station and climbed the hill. Watched him zip along, the little smiley face becoming more excited. Watched the car fly into the station, the brakes failing and the car crashing in an explosion, killing everybody on board, including Best Friend. :smith:

Oh boy I laughed so hard. Does that makes me a bad person?

Anyway, made me really want to play this game again. I used to do that too, following people around, see then having fun or hating it or vomiting. What a great game.

Old Grasshopper
Apr 7, 2011

"Patience, young grasshopper."

:hawaaaafap: loving awesome, I'm glad to see it return in all it's glory! All the expansion packs at no extra cost as well? This is why I love GoG so much :D

Feb 24, 2011

my desire to just be a FUCKING IDIOT all day long is rapidly overtaking my ability to FUNCTION

i suspect that means i'm MENTALLY ILL

MonkeyforaHead posted:

I was a SimCity 2000 kid, though I've certainly heard no end of how awesome the RCT games are. I hear a lot of debate over whether 1 or 2 was better though, what exactly was different between them? And are there any tips for actually running a profitable park?

RCT2 took RCT Deluxe and tweaked the engine, overhauled the interface a bit, added the ability to freely place things in all three dimensions (on a grid, but still), increased the number of rides and attractions (mostly by rollercoasters), made theming more varied and complex, included a pretty sad number of scenarios (plus a somewhat limited editor) and came with pretty accurate digitizations of Six Flags parks from around the world.

The original game's missions are much more fun to play, but the sequel just has more toys.

Also, charge obscene prices. A rule of thumb about admission price in the original game is £10 per every rollercoaster and £5 per every thrill ride in your park. Visitors also don't seem to mind paying the ride's excitement rating in pounds, at least in the first year of the ride's life.

May 10, 2009

MonkeyforaHead posted:

I was a SimCity 2000 kid, though I've certainly heard no end of how awesome the RCT games are. I hear a lot of debate over whether 1 or 2 was better though, what exactly was different between them? And are there any tips for actually running a profitable park?
I never played RCT 2 so I would like to know the differences from RCT1 vs RCT2.

Also the profitable park part... I think I made such bad parks as a kid was because I didn't understand that trying to make a giant cool ride with all the money I had was a bad idea. So my tip, manage your budget. Don't take out a loan (it's like real life!) to make a cool rollercoaster, wait until you get the money. Obviously when I was young I never really wanted to win, I just wanted to make rollercoasters that exploded.

Nadesico posted:

RCT is an amazing game! I remember being obsessed with grass cutting and cleanliness. Every park I made had an army of janitors to empty trash, clean up puke, and keep my guests happy! Good times.
I did this, but if I found the guy who threw trash on the ground when I put trash cans everywhere... Well I elevated a tile of land, put the guy on top and put a bunch of panda bear costume guys to dance around him.

jvempire fucked around with this message at 22:33 on Jul 7, 2011

President Ark
May 16, 2010

gently caress yes, RCT! :haw: This really is an amazing game and if you're even slightly interested in builder/sim games you should buy it, it's a steal at this price.

Some things to be aware of, though.

-The intensity/nausea/excitement ratings might not be entirely obvious. Nausea makes people more likely to throw up when they get off and already-nauseous people are less likely to get on a nauseating ride; you can mitigate this by putting benches by the exit, as people who sit down cannot throw up and their nausea goes down over time. Excitement is what makes people want to come in; more is always better. Having fast rides makes this go up. Intensity is caused by having high G forces and lots of turns/loops; what this does varies from person to person (thrill-lovers will pay more for an intense ride while others will pay less or avoid them), but never go above 10 intensity or nobody will ever get on your ride.

-:siren:Be careful of fast turns on rollercoasters. This is the number one thing that will ruin your rides with 11+ intensity. Never put in unbanked turns unless the ride is going under 10MPH, and make wider turns the faster the ride is going. Having lots of fast hills that the ride goes up and down is exciting, so use hills to kill speed if you need to make a turn.

-Don't make your ride incredibly long or it'll take so long to ride that people in the queue will get fed up and leave the queue, if not the park entirely. The longer the ride is, the more seperate rollercoaster trains you want and the bigger the station should be. This applies double to water rides like log flumes, as they go very slowly.

-Set up your entrances/exits so that the ride exit leads further away from your park entrance.

-Pay attention to ride admission prices and tweak them to the point where it's right under the point where people won't pay for it. Also newer rides can get away with higher admission prices, so about 4-6 months after a ride opens you'll probably have to drop the price to keep people riding it.

-If you build a long, expensive coaster, or your coaster goes fast into the station, put some brakes before it and assign it its own mechanic (set his patrol path to only cover the station and the area around the exit). One of the breakdowns, the Station Brakes Failure, is very dangerous because cars won't slow down coming into the station and if they hit another car at speed they'll explode, everyone will die, and the ride's popularity/your park rating will tank.

President Ark fucked around with this message at 00:23 on Jul 9, 2011

Apr 19, 2007

President Ark posted:

gently caress yes, RCT! :haw: This really is an amazing game and if you're even slightly interested in builder/sim games you should buy it, it's a steal at this price.

Some things to be aware of, though.

I run the SA "What should I know before I play this game?" wiki, which compiles tips from the thread of the same name in Games.

I added your tips to the wiki, at:

I hope you don't mind?

President Ark
May 16, 2010


Centipeed posted:

I run the SA "What should I know before I play this game?" wiki, which compiles tips from the thread of the same name in Games.

I added your tips to the wiki, at:

I hope you don't mind?

Yeah, go for it.

Another thing: Once you get the basic steel rollercoaster, make the prebuilt Shuttle Loop ride. It's a cash cow: It's short, yet intense/exciting enough to warrant charging a few bucks admission unlike other small rides (and since it's short, it moves tickets pretty fast). Having a couple in your park can help fund big construction projects.

President Ark fucked around with this message at 23:29 on Jul 7, 2011

Mar 20, 2010

Soiled Meat

President Ark posted:

Yeah, go for it.

Another thing: Once you get the basic steel rollercoaster, make the prebuilt Shuttle Loop ride. It's a cash cow: It's short, yet intense/exciting enough to warrant charging a few bucks admission unlike other small rides (and since it's short, it moves tickets pretty fast). Having a couple in your park can help fund big construction projects.

Is that the one that has a loop and then the car goes up an incline before falling backwards through the loop and back to the station? Because if you want to slaughter innocents the easiest way is to take those and crank the speed up as high as you can.

President Ark
May 16, 2010


C-Euro posted:

Is that the one that has a loop and then the car goes up an incline before falling backwards through the loop and back to the station? Because if you want to slaughter innocents the easiest way is to take those and crank the speed up as high as you can.

Yes, it is. And that's what you do with them at the end of the mission to celebrate. :unsmigghh:

May 10, 2009

President Ark posted:

Yes, it is. And that's what you do with them at the end of the mission to celebrate. :unsmigghh:
You get two and try and aim them so they crash mid air (I think it's impossible though, never got it to work.)

Really though, your tips are great. Maybe I will finally complete a scenario after all these years.

Don Sultan
Aug 14, 2009

I am Sea Lion, hear me rwblbwoblbwoblbwoarr!

C-Euro posted:

Is that the one that has a loop and then the car goes up an incline before falling backwards through the loop and back to the station? Because if you want to slaughter innocents the easiest way is to take those and crank the speed up as high as you can.

Can that be used to crush pedestrians? I remember trying, but I can't remember if it was ever a success.

President Ark
May 16, 2010

One thing I like doing is having several balloon stalls in the park all set to different colors. It looks pretty. :unsmith:

It's also kind of :spergin: because it lets you see at-a-glance where people are going in your park, so you can build more poo poo in that area.

Don Sultan
Aug 14, 2009

I am Sea Lion, hear me rwblbwoblbwoblbwoarr!
I colour-coded umbrellas as well as balloons. Thinking about it now, if you wanted to get really :spergin: then you could give each colour a different price, so you can see which customers are willing to spend more. Probably completely pointless gameplay-wise, though.


Mar 22, 2010

by Ozmaugh
I am so happy RCT is on there. I bought it so fast. Too bad it wasn't RCT2 though.

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