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May 27, 2008

Watermelon Daiquiri posted:

Yeah, it threw me for a loop when it clicked for me that I wasn't on the TV's netflix. I thought I was going crazy until i used both my controller and the remote to do stuff. Is there a way to wake up the ps4 from the remote? I want to be able to turn on my TV, go to the right input and have it wake up and log in without needing the controller
It's probably dependent on your TV's HDMI-CEC support, but I can just turn mine to the PS4's input channel and it wakes the ps4.


Sep 11, 2001

Macarius Wrench posted:

I think both Titanfall 2 and Overwatch are around the 25 quid mark thesedays, either one is a winner it just depends if you prefer mechs or anime :shrug:
Overwatch is... Anime?

Jan 24, 2004


Overwatch cant be anime because it's bad

Quantum of Phallus
Dec 27, 2010

Overwatch is about as anime as Persona 5

fridge corn
Apr 2, 2003

NO MERCY, ONLY PAIN :black101:

Sakurazuka posted:

Overwatch must be anime because it's bad

Sep 23, 2007

Overwatch good, Anime bad. Except the anime that is good.

How often do they do new console bundles? Uncharted and Infinite Warfare seem to be the two around right now, and neither of those games interest me, and while I guess I could just sell the game, I'm not itching hard enough for a ps4 to want to deal with that.

Watermelon Daiquiri
Jul 10, 2010

revolther posted:

It's probably dependent on your TV's HDMI-CEC support, but I can just turn mine to the PS4's input channel and it wakes the ps4.

Yeah my TV is weird with cec. The switch turns on my TV just fine, but the ps4 hasn't done that with the one possible reception when it actually turns on rather than wakes up

Sentient Data
Aug 31, 2011

My molecule scrambler ray will disintegrate your armor with one blow!

Oxyclean posted:

How often do they do new console bundles?

Don't bother with a bundle, save the extra $100 to just get a pro so you'll be futureproof. It doesn't come in any bundles yet, and it probably won't until Christmas at earliest

RBA Starblade
Apr 28, 2008

Going Home.

Games Idiot Court Jester

Persona is like the polar opposite of what I want to play in a game. There's probably nothing really wrong with it but I couldn't think of something I'd want to play less if I tried.

Well besides almost-porn games like Galgun I guess.

Sep 23, 2007

Sentient Data posted:

Don't bother with a bundle, save the extra $100 to just get a pro so you'll be futureproof. It doesn't come in any bundles yet, and it probably won't until Christmas at earliest

Pro is 499$ and Slim 500GB Bundles are 349$ here in Canada. I doubt i'll be doing 4k any time soon, is the boost mode really worth when I just want to play a few exclusives? (Bloodborne, P5)

Pablo Nergigante
Apr 16, 2002

RBA Starblade posted:

Persona is like the polar opposite of what I want to play in a game. There's probably nothing really wrong with it but I couldn't think of something I'd want to play less if I tried.

Well besides almost-porn games like Galgun I guess.

You should play it, it's extremely fun, charming and stylish

RBA Starblade
Apr 28, 2008

Going Home.

Games Idiot Court Jester

Pablo Gigante posted:

You should play it, it's extremely fun, charming and stylish

Persona or Galgun :v:

Pablo Nergigante
Apr 16, 2002

RBA Starblade posted:

Persona or Galgun :v:

Persona, silly

Macarius Wrench
Mar 28, 2017

by Lowtax

RBA Starblade posted:

Persona is like the polar opposite of what I want to play in a game. There's probably nothing really wrong with it but I couldn't think of something I'd want to play less if I tried.

Well besides almost-porn games like Galgun I guess.

Same. And i had a good time with 4 but Yakuza has became my prime jrpg in the year 2017 and there can be only one.

Oct 6, 2002

You have been a most worthy adversary, but in every game, there are winners and there are losers. And as you know, in this game, losers get robotizicized!
do cheevo stats only list for the console you're on or both if it's multiplat

Pablo Nergigante
Apr 16, 2002

Relin posted:

do cheevo stats only list for the console you're on or both if it's multiplat

Probably the console you're on, I think the same game on different platforms have different trophy sets

Jan 10, 2003

RBA Starblade posted:

Persona is like the polar opposite of what I want to play in a game. There's probably nothing really wrong with it but I couldn't think of something I'd want to play less if I tried.

Play Nier:A, Nier is a much better game than Persona 5.

May 24, 2007

Not anime:

The game where a rookie pilot ends up in control of a sentient AI robot who he befriends while fighting a rebel army comprised of eccentric over the top personalities with their own custom robots.

Pablo Nergigante
Apr 16, 2002

Obsurveyor posted:

Play Nier:A, Nier is a much better game than Persona 5.

They're both excellent in their own ways and totally different types of games, don't be like this

Macarius Wrench
Mar 28, 2017

by Lowtax
I'm not having as great a time with nier as id hoped for, the combat feels a bit too simplistic but there is a style and a self awareness to it that few games match

Macarius Wrench
Mar 28, 2017

by Lowtax

ImpAtom posted:

Not anime:

The game where a rookie pilot ends up in control of a sentient AI robot who he befriends while fighting a rebel army comprised of eccentric over the top personalities with their own custom robots.

Pretty sure Zone of the Enders got made into an actual anime dude :anime:

exquisite tea
Apr 21, 2007

Carly shook her glass, willing the ice to melt. "You still haven't told me what the mission is."

She leaned forward. "We are going to assassinate the bad men of Hollywood."

RBA Starblade posted:

Persona is like the polar opposite of what I want to play in a game. There's probably nothing really wrong with it but I couldn't think of something I'd want to play less if I tried.

An open-world TCG with roguelike elements.

Jan 15, 2006

Tap "A" to drink!!!

Macarius Wrench posted:

Same. And i had a good time with 4 but Yakuza has became my prime jrpg in the year 2017 and there can be only one.

I have no interest in the Yakuza games but love Persona. The universe is balancing out

Sep 22, 2009

Nightly dance
of bleeding swords

exquisite tea posted:

An open-world TCG with roguelike elements.
The 1997 Magic: the Gathering game was actually really good.

Macarius Wrench
Mar 28, 2017

by Lowtax

Harlock posted:

I have no interest in the Yakuza games but love Persona. The universe is balancing out

I bounced off Yakuza 1 nearly a decade ago mostly because its so cutscene heavy but watching the playthrough on giant bomb convinced me to give it another look. That game has a sense of humour that just isn't commonplace in videogames.

The thing that bugs me is i don't know if the humour is the intention of the writing or a side effect of its oriental origins.

Feb 28, 2009

The dock really fucks a case or nerfing it.

Macarius Wrench posted:

I bounced off Yakuza 1 nearly a decade ago mostly because its so cutscene heavy but watching the playthrough on giant bomb convinced me to give it another look. That game has a sense of humour that just isn't commonplace in videogames.

The thing that bugs me is i don't know if the humour is the intention of the writing or a side effect of its oriental origins.

Its heavily intentional. Or at least has leaned into it as the series went on. and now its intentional.

When your shooting a "MENACING MAN" with a swordfish out of a swordfish gun, and you ask yourself if this is serious or supposed to be over the top...

Quantum of Phallus
Dec 27, 2010

Yakuza 5 is to this day the funniest game I've ever played. The whole series does absurdist and dry humour better than anything I've seen before. The way the writing manages to both be hilarious and also gripping in Yakuza 0 is a real strength that you just don't get a lot of.

Sep 6, 2007

Oxyclean posted:

Pro is 499$ and Slim 500GB Bundles are 349$ here in Canada. I doubt i'll be doing 4k any time soon, is the boost mode really worth when I just want to play a few exclusives? (Bloodborne, P5)

Even without a 4K TV there are benefits in terms of frame rate stability, resolution, less pop-in, faster load times in some games, etc. Whether that's worth it to you is a personal question. I was satisfied with my Pro on my tiny screen until I watched some folks play HZD and Second Son on a 4K TV and that's what sold me on 4K.

Apr 21, 2004

Excuse me while I kiss the sky.
I've spent nearly 4 months getting through Witcher 3 and not bought a single 2017 game yet, which should I go for:

Yakuza 0
Persona 5


verbal enema
May 23, 2009

Pablo Gigante posted:

They're both excellent in their own ways and totally different types of games, don't be like this

He could be right tho

Mar 29, 2003

Marge, I'd like to be alone with the sandwich for a moment.

Are you going to eat it?

Horizon is fun

Feb 28, 2009

The dock really fucks a case or nerfing it.

MZ posted:

I've spent nearly 4 months getting through Witcher 3 and not bought a single 2017 game yet, which should I go for:

Yakuza 0
Persona 5


Literally all of they above. I like to switch up genres. So maybe not a big open world right after Witcher. Nioh is level based technical combat. RE7 is good and linear for the most part.

exquisite tea
Apr 21, 2007

Carly shook her glass, willing the ice to melt. "You still haven't told me what the mission is."

She leaned forward. "We are going to assassinate the bad men of Hollywood."

Is there any reason why physical copies on Amazon of PS4 games are so much cheaper than their digital counterparts? Couldn't they just email you the product code with your purchase if it's just going to arrive a day later anyway?

Aug 15, 2005

Toilet Rascal

MZ posted:

I've spent nearly 4 months getting through Witcher 3 and not bought a single 2017 game yet, which should I go for:

Yakuza 0
Persona 5


If you want a break from open worlds, RE7. If you still want open worlds, flip a coin for Horizon or Nier.

Quantum of Phallus
Dec 27, 2010

Bombadilillo posted:

Literally all of they above.

Neddy Seagoon
Oct 12, 2012

"Hi Everybody!"

exquisite tea posted:

Is there any reason why physical copies on Amazon of PS4 games are so much cheaper than their digital counterparts? Couldn't they just email you the product code with your purchase if it's just going to arrive a day later anyway?

Digital game prices are based on RRP. They don't have to contend with shelf space for new titles or compete with other physical store chains undercutting eachother.

Nov 10, 2007

If you think calling me names is gonna get a rise out me, think again. I like my life as an idiot!
It is the best time to be playing video games.

Mar 29, 2003

Marge, I'd like to be alone with the sandwich for a moment.

Are you going to eat it?


exquisite tea posted:

Is there any reason why physical copies on Amazon of PS4 games are so much cheaper than their digital counterparts? Couldn't they just email you the product code with your purchase if it's just going to arrive a day later anyway?

Amazon has warehouses. Discs take up space. They want to move discs. They want to sell inventory. Codes do not take up space. Amazon has a lot of incentives to try and get you to buy a disc over a code.

exquisite tea
Apr 21, 2007

Carly shook her glass, willing the ice to melt. "You still haven't told me what the mission is."

She leaned forward. "We are going to assassinate the bad men of Hollywood."

FishBulb posted:

Amazon has warehouses. Discs take up space. They want to move discs. They want to sell inventory. Codes do not take up space. Amazon has a lot of incentives to try and get you to buy a disc over a code.

That makes sense, but at the same time I wonder why if they know they're going to eventually be moving the discs anyway, not to just give you a download code for the software itself. Especially since many game discs are essentially glorified coasters these days.


Jun 29, 2005

Dante's allowance - $100

MZ posted:

I've spent nearly 4 months getting through Witcher 3 and not bought a single 2017 game yet, which should I go for:

Yakuza 0
Persona 5


You literally can't go wrong with any of those choices, but here's a quick rundown of my thoughts on each game listed:

Resident Evil 7: 2/3rds a phenomenal, fresh-yet-also-back-to-basics Resident Evil, and 1/3rd modern garbo Resident Evil. Unfortunately, the bad part is the last part, so it left kind of a bad taste in my mouth.

Nioh: Scratches that Bloodborne itch better than Dark Souls 3 does, if you prefer BB to DS (like I do). A magic cat tells the time and also teaches you Japanese.

Yakuza 0: The entire story is predicated on almost everyone involved making the worst decisions possible to drive the plot forward, yet it's still wildly entertaining, also many of the Heat actions are Batman Arkham Asylum/City/Knight levels of "I didn't kill him but he'll literally never move a muscle below the neck for the rest of his life" brutal. I love this loving series, and I love this goddamn game.

Horizon: Doesn't really do anything that you haven't already seen before in an open-world game, but it does what it does well. To me, this has the lowest priority on this list.

Nier: Automata: I always have a softspot for Yoko Taro games, but this time I don't have to preface it with "yes I know the gameplay is akin to dog turds." Prepare to be sad, and don't pick fights with wildlife.

Persona 5: A master class in UI/HUD design, and a fantastic game to boot. I've put the least amount of time in this game of all the ones on this list, but it's Persona. If you've played 3 and/or 4, you know what you're in for.

Persona 5's probably going to carry you the furthest until you get another game, but if you're pressed to get only one of them for now, get Yakuza 0.

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