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May 6, 2005

the coolest

DrPlump posted:

What are the top 10 items you have to buy every time you visit?

tp + paper towels
prime sirloin
dishwasher pellets
shrimp tray
leg of lamb
stagg chili
beer + wine

most of the food ones arent every time but "as needed"


the good fax machine
Feb 26, 2007

by Nyc_Tattoo

hell yeah

eating some kirkland pistachios rn

Jun 25, 2012

Yeah, well I don't trust this guy. I think he regifted, he degifted, and now he's using an upstairs invite as a springboard to a Super Bowl sex romp.

Haverchuck posted:

please tell me you eat a whole rotisserie chicken with your hands while driving

Well it's me and the bf usually, but I've pecked at it solo as well.

May 6, 2005

the coolest
Ive got a strong image of flying down the highway at 80mph, looking over at the car in the lane next to me and seeing the driver going to town on a greasy drumstick

Jul 15, 2002

I'm eating some Kirkland macadamia nuts, they're good.

Five Hole
Dec 18, 2012

Nfcknblvbl posted:

I'm eating some Kirkland macadamia nuts, they're good.

Those are some good nuts.

Jun 25, 2012

Yeah, well I don't trust this guy. I think he regifted, he degifted, and now he's using an upstairs invite as a springboard to a Super Bowl sex romp.
drat good nuts

Apr 8, 2004

8.2 M.P.G.
Bought a motherfuckin' TREE at Costco my bros, 12 ft Fishtail palm for $60 goddam dollars. That's easily half the price if not more anywhere else.

And you know I filled up on fuel too.

Sep 11, 2001

by Fluffdaddy
Fun Shoe
cool kei van

Jan 19, 2014

The 'co is closed today because its a holiday, my family's entire easter dinner was based around $1.50 hot dogs and now its ruined.

Sep 11, 2005

by FactsAreUseless
Young Orc

Haverchuck posted:

Ive got a strong image of flying down the highway at 80mph, looking over at the car in the lane next to me and seeing the driver going to town on a greasy drumstick

Welcome to southern california

Sep 11, 2001

by Fluffdaddy
Fun Shoe


Welcome to southern california

i saw a dude doing a crossword in afternoon traffic a few weeks ago

Jan 28, 2005

Nfcknblvbl posted:

I'm eating some Kirkland macadamia nuts, they're good.

The Kirkland chocolate covered caramel macadamia nuts are so good, they must put nicotine in them or use black magic in their creation. Thank God they're actually kind of spendy or I would shove an entire container down my throat every 3 days and feel no shame

Feb 13, 2008



KakerMix posted:

Bought a motherfuckin' TREE at Costco my bros, 12 ft Fishtail palm for $60 goddam dollars. That's easily half the price if not more anywhere else.

And you know I filled up on fuel too.

gently caress that van is awesome/could hold a lot of $1.50 1/4+ ALL BEEF hotdogs and fountain drinks.

Prokhor Zakharov
Dec 31, 2008

This is me as I make another great post

Good luck with your depression!

KakerMix posted:

Bought a motherfuckin' TREE at Costco my bros, 12 ft Fishtail palm for $60 goddam dollars. That's easily half the price if not more anywhere else.

And you know I filled up on fuel too.

gettin a load of that dog

Mokelumne Trekka
Nov 22, 2015


recently i went to costco and tried their hamburger and also got a hot dog then i felt gross probably going only with the dog next time thanks for letting me share my story

Mokelumne Trekka
Nov 22, 2015


Costco has some good microwavable "veggie bowls" which contain 400 calories of solidly healthly vegetables like black beans and quinoa. USDA organic of course!

Dec 16, 2006

by R. Guyovich
Why doesn't anyone ever talk about the muffins

Jun 14, 2005
Z so good
The Japanese Costco recently changed their Muffin packaging, I think you choose 2 packs of 6 now, similar to how bagels work. Well, maybe they changed it in other countries too.

Those things are dangerous as hell, in terms of calories. I used to eat them throughout the day since they were so filling, but that can't be so good for you. They expire after a few days though so you're kind of on a time limit to finish them off!

Infidel Castro
Jun 8, 2010

Again and again
Your face reminds me of a bleak future
Despite the absence of hope
I give you this sacrifice

Original_Z posted:

The Japanese Costco recently changed their Muffin packaging, I think you choose 2 packs of 6 now, similar to how bagels work. Well, maybe they changed it in other countries too.

Those things are dangerous as hell, in terms of calories. I used to eat them throughout the day since they were so filling, but that can't be so good for you. They expire after a few days though so you're kind of on a time limit to finish them off!

That's how Costco in Wisconsin has done it since I became a member.

Also you can freeze them to keep them fresh long enough to eat then over the course of a much more reasonable period of time.

the good fax machine
Feb 26, 2007

by Nyc_Tattoo
That's too much muffin. I can't eat all that poo poo in two days.

May 6, 2005

the coolest
The whole concept of muffins is stupid. They should just sell the tops

Dec 16, 2006

by R. Guyovich

the good fax machine posted:

That's too much muffin. I can't eat all that poo poo in two days.

And you call yourself a goon? Post a banme immediately you cretin

Snow Cone Capone
Jul 31, 2003

Haverchuck posted:

The whole concept of muffins is stupid. They should just sell the tops

Squashy Nipples
Aug 18, 2007

the good fax machine posted:

That's too much muffin. I can't eat all that poo poo in two days.

How about those luscious, fresh baked pies?

They are so cheap that I always want to buy one, but they are so loving big that one of them feeds like 12 people. Way too many loving calories for me to keep around the house.

Sep 11, 2005

by FactsAreUseless
Young Orc

Haverchuck posted:

The whole concept of muffins is stupid. They should just sell the tops

They actually do sell muffin tops at Costco (in the frozen section)

Dec 18, 2003

You can't make just the top. You have to remove the top from a whole muffin. Not sure what they're doing with the stumps.

Oct 3, 2012

672 calories
Each muffin provides 672 calories, or 33.6 percent of the total suggested calorie intake, based on a 2,000-calorie diet. The Costco poppyseed muffins contain the most sugar of the store's muffins, with 42 g, and 75 g of total carbohydrates. Each poppyseed muffin contains 2 g of fiber and 10 g of protein.

Dec 16, 2006

by R. Guyovich
So just eat one for every meal

Jul 15, 2002

Teikanmi posted:

So just eat one for every meal

Yep, don't forget to pick up a bottle of Kirland Signature Daily Multis for all your vitamins too!

Dely Apple
Apr 22, 2006

Sing me Spanish Techno

Their muffins are great, if you're bringing them to a meeting, or funeral dinner

Basically all their trays are for meetings or funeral receptions where you must calorically repress the pain

Jul 19, 2009
Nap Ghost


672 calories
Each muffin provides 672 calories, or 33.6 percent of the total suggested calorie intake, based on a 2,000-calorie diet. The Costco poppyseed muffins contain the most sugar of the store's muffins, with 42 g, and 75 g of total carbohydrates. Each poppyseed muffin contains 2 g of fiber and 10 g of protein.

A diet day for me is 800 calories, my usual is 1,600. lol at a 700 calorie muffin.

Pennywise the Frown
May 10, 2010

Upset Trowel

Pick posted:

A diet day for me is 800 calories, my usual is 1,600. lol at a 700 calorie muffin.

My goal on My Fitness Pal is set at 1,800. Most of that is beer calories but when I'm not drinking I have a hard time hitting 1,800. That's a calorie loving dense muffin.

To be fair, one of those would probably help me out on the days I just can't eat much. I haven't had a muffin in years. drat, I kinda want one now. No way I could get a 6 pack though if they don't last that long.

I'll have to consider it. Besides all of the carbs and sugar..... it has some fiber and protein!!! Plus is has the nutritional benefit of being Kirkland Brand Muffins. That's gotta count for something.

the good fax machine
Feb 26, 2007

by Nyc_Tattoo
Those are actually 12ers

Jun 9, 2001

by Smythe
lol wtf is your goal if all your calories are alcohol and you're considering flour and sugar a bonus to your intake

Pennywise the Frown
May 10, 2010

Upset Trowel

rezatahs posted:

lol wtf is your goal if all your calories are alcohol and you're considering flour and sugar a bonus to your intake

Well the goal is to lose weight and I said specifically the opposite about sugar and carbs. I also don't want to drink. It's bad for weight loss.

I wonder if they have Kirkland Brand Weight Loss programs. poo poo they might have some sick rear end frozen ripped bods in the freezer section.

May 12, 2001

by Nyc_Tattoo

Mokelumne Trekka posted:

Costco has some good microwavable "veggie bowls" which contain 400 calories of solidly healthly vegetables like black beans and quinoa. USDA organic of course!

These are awesome. I get a couple boxes of these and the chicken teriyaki bowls every time I go to Costco and that's pretty much all I ever eat at work for lunch.

Sep 11, 2001

by Fluffdaddy
Fun Shoe
buy the bags of flash frozen broccoli, cauliflower, and carrot mix

i eat it almost daily

Jun 25, 2012

Yeah, well I don't trust this guy. I think he regifted, he degifted, and now he's using an upstairs invite as a springboard to a Super Bowl sex romp.
Get the Normandy bag, bless u


Pennywise the Frown
May 10, 2010

Upset Trowel

Chinatown posted:

buy the bags of flash frozen broccoli, cauliflower, and carrot mix

i eat it almost daily

Dr. Tim Whatley posted:

Get the Normandy bag, bless u

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