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Comrade Blyatlov
Aug 4, 2007

should have picked four fingers

Hey guys,
I reckon it's time to see who's still an alcoholic. I most definitely am, so come and join me in honouring our boy B-Rock the Islamic Shock Superallah Hussein Obama.
Normal challenge rules apply - one cheat day, but honestly if you can't make it a month without getting on it you might need this thread more than you thought.
My phone reminded me that I'm 17 months sober this morning, and by the time the end date rolls around I'll be up to a year and a half.
Join me in staying sober to honour Barack, Joe, and all those before us.
The only penalty for failing is the shame that always hit me when I was hungover.

I thought once the challenge is over we can convert to an ongoing sobriety thread - poo poo's hard, I've certainly needed a ton of support over the last 17 months.
A few resources if you need them: if you want to try out AA - it's worked great for me. I can't recommend it strongly enough - if you want to quit, this is a good way of doing it.
The main page has a handy locator - enter your zip/area and it'll tell you of local meetings.
This was actually one of my first introductions to AA by the late, great Roger Ebert. The man was a fantastic writer.

That leads into a 12-part quiz - if you're wavering, answer this honestly.

Also I am available by PM. If you need to talk to someone, drop me a line.

Once we get some interest, I'll post a list of brave sober battlers.

Get in and get keen and clean.

Two Finger
Syrian Lannister
Terrible Robot

Comrade Blyatlov fucked around with this message at 21:52 on Apr 25, 2017


Syrian Lannister
Aug 25, 2007

Oh, did I kill him too?
I've been a very busy little man.

Sugartime Jones
I'm at 5 and a half months


Feb 15, 2005

3 years 3 months 11 days. I'm in.

Jun 2, 2014

12 hours. I'm in. Still smoking copious amounts of weed though

Nov 1, 2008

Nostalgia4Murder posted:

12 hours. I'm in. Still smoking copious amounts of weed though

Comrade Blyatlov
Aug 4, 2007

should have picked four fingers

Nostalgia4Murder posted:

12 hours. I'm in. Still smoking copious amounts of weed though

Get sprayed on camera and I'm giving you another cheat day

Kung Fu Fist Fuck
Aug 9, 2009
just wanna say im proud of all you guys

Comrade Blyatlov
Aug 4, 2007

should have picked four fingers

Kung Fu Fist gently caress posted:

just wanna say im proud of all you guys

One of us one of us

May 27, 2003

Alright, let's do this.

Feb 15, 2005

Some encouragement for newly sober people who may be questioning the decision to stop: Right now you're probably angry and everything seems more boring because you're not smashed off your rear end. That goes away, BUT IT TAKES TIME. Physically you'll be feeling great after a month but mentally you're not going to be so hot. The ability to enjoy things sober comes back but you really need to be patient. Exercise, eat well, and count to ten when you're frustrated.

Seriously do watch your diet. If you were in deep on a booze diet where actual food made you sick your body will now be screaming at you to give it all of the sugar it no longer gets in liquid form. My regular appetite came back when I stopped but oh man did I have a sweet tooth.

Kung Fu Fist Fuck
Aug 9, 2009
yea when i got off the sauce after being a huge drunk, i was angry and irritable all the time, but it got better after a few months

now im like 10x more chill than i was when i was drinking regularly, and i dont use booze to manage stress

The Rat
Aug 29, 2004

You will find no one to help you here. Beth DuClare has been dissected and placed in cryonic storage.

Never been drunk/high/etc in my life. Why yes, I am that boring.

Sep 1, 2011

by Hand Knit

The Rat posted:

Never been drunk/high/etc in my life. Why yes, I am that boring.

It's not hard to fix any of those problems

Edit: poo poo, thought this was the drunk thread. I'll see myself out

UP THE BUM NO BABY fucked around with this message at 20:33 on Apr 24, 2017

Apr 12, 2002

I have a generally healthy relationship with alcohol and love beer more than almost anything on this earth, but hey good on you guys for taking care of yourselves.

Comrade Blyatlov
Aug 4, 2007

should have picked four fingers

tastefully arranged labia posted:

Some encouragement for newly sober people who may be questioning the decision to stop: Right now you're probably angry and everything seems more boring because you're not smashed off your rear end. That goes away, BUT IT TAKES TIME. Physically you'll be feeling great after a month but mentally you're not going to be so hot. The ability to enjoy things sober comes back but you really need to be patient. Exercise, eat well, and count to ten when you're frustrated.

Seriously do watch your diet. If you were in deep on a booze diet where actual food made you sick your body will now be screaming at you to give it all of the sugar it no longer gets in liquid form. My regular appetite came back when I stopped but oh man did I have a sweet tooth.

Jesus yes. My parents realised I'd quit drinking when they saw me eating an ice cream which I hadn't done in years.
I found it was quite a while before my brain calmed enough for me to just be able to enjoy things properly again.

The other thing I wish someone had warned me about was the dreams. The vivid, incredibly real dreams where you're drunk. Then you wake up in bed and have no idea if that dream was real or not, and if you were actually drunk and blacked out. It's so loving weird.

Pesticide20 posted:

It's not hard to fix any of those problems

Edit: poo poo, thought this was the drunk thread. I'll see myself out

Hello, my friend. Stay a while, and listen.

Mar 30, 2011

Peggy Hill
Foot Connoisseur

DoktorLoken posted:

I have a generally healthy relationship with alcohol and love beer more than almost anything on this earth, but hey good on you guys for taking care of yourselves.

This but weed instead of booze. Been about a year and a half now since I just stopped drinking again. I don't miss it.

But I'm still escaping plenty of poo poo with weed and undoubtedly have a dependency. Just keeps me in a better place than being angry man all the time.

Good on you guys that can do life without the crutch.

Terrible Robot
Jul 2, 2010

Slippery Tilde
It's been about 4-5 months since I had a hard drink, and about a month since I had a beer. It just doesn't appeal to me anymore like it used to, idk.

I smoke weed like it's my job when I'm not at my job though.

My dads been going to AA for about 8 years now and say what you will about that program but it's done wonders for him, and since he cleaned up we can actually have a good relationship which I am very thankful for.

Anyway what I'm trying to say is it's great that you guys are doing this and supporting each other. Tossing my hat into the ring for no drinking, I've come this far may as well see how long I can stretch it.

Comrade Blyatlov
Aug 4, 2007

should have picked four fingers

Terrible Robot posted:

It's been about 4-5 months since I had a hard drink, and about a month since I had a beer. It just doesn't appeal to me anymore like it used to, idk.

I smoke weed like it's my job when I'm not at my job though.

My dads been going to AA for about 8 years now and say what you will about that program but it's done wonders for him, and since he cleaned up we can actually have a good relationship which I am very thankful for.

Anyway what I'm trying to say is it's great that you guys are doing this and supporting each other. Tossing my hat into the ring for no drinking, I've come this far may as well see how long I can stretch it.

Welcome friend


This but weed instead of booze. Been about a year and a half now since I just stopped drinking again. I don't miss it.

But I'm still escaping plenty of poo poo with weed and undoubtedly have a dependency. Just keeps me in a better place than being angry man all the time.

Good on you guys that can do life without the crutch.

eh, life with the crutch wasn't living at all by the end there, all I did was drink and shitpost on SA and drink more. often only leaving the house to buy more booze

it was pretty poo poo

Naked Bear
Apr 15, 2007

Boners was recorded before a studio audience that was alive!

Kung Fu Fist gently caress posted:

just wanna say im proud of all you guys

Comrade Blyatlov
Aug 4, 2007

should have picked four fingers

Anyone fallen on their swords yet?

Syrian Lannister
Aug 25, 2007

Oh, did I kill him too?
I've been a very busy little man.

Sugartime Jones
Nope rotating to Mids on Sunday.

Jun 2, 2014

Nope. I already only drank on the weekends so it's a matter of convincing myself to stay home and play Bloodborne instead of going out like I always do.

Comrade Blyatlov
Aug 4, 2007

should have picked four fingers

From memory it was all of 4 days before I failed the first challenge I tried so thought I better ask :sweatdrop:

May 27, 2003

Gearing up for a move so my mind should be preoccupied for most of the month.

Comrade Blyatlov
Aug 4, 2007

should have picked four fingers

Reverendmaynard anything you'd like to tell us?

Syrian Lannister
Aug 25, 2007

Oh, did I kill him too?
I've been a very busy little man.

Sugartime Jones
Hitting 6 months next week.

Week into cold turkeying soda, including ginger ale.

I am not giving up coffee you heathens

Feb 15, 2005

If you try to get me to quit coffee I hope your affairs are in order.

Dec 25, 2004

Now I'm in your room
And I'm in your bed

Grimey Drawer
Never been an alcoholic but man I'm loving addicted to cigarettes. I love smoking, and I can't loving quit. I know it's horribly bad for my health and my girlfriend hates it. How the gently caress do I quit and not WANT to do it, because man I love smoking.

Definitely an addict :(

Comrade Blyatlov
Aug 4, 2007

should have picked four fingers

Mike-o posted:

Never been an alcoholic but man I'm loving addicted to cigarettes. I love smoking, and I can't loving quit. I know it's horribly bad for my health and my girlfriend hates it. How the gently caress do I quit and not WANT to do it, because man I love smoking.

Definitely an addict :(

in my experience the best way to quit smoking is to hate everything and everyone and look longingly at a pack every time someone pulls one out

if someone knows a better way please tell me, i'd really like to know

Feb 15, 2005

My chest still hurts sometimes a year later

Mar 30, 2011

Peggy Hill
Foot Connoisseur
If you don't want to quit smoking, you probably won't. I'm the same way, I love the smell, taste, even feel of a fresh cigarette (almost impossible because all the other people that smoke Pall Mall nonfilters are dead and the packs sit forever and get dry and lovely). I'm not planning on quitting smoking. It's been a lifeline for 19 years, and it's probably going to be what kills me.

My uncle quit cold turkey a few years ago. Said he woke up one morning and just threw his last pack away. Smoked for 35 years. First grandkid came along and he was done. He's a nut and already has heart problems from years of binge drinking busch light, smoking kools and generally being a filthy mechanic and truck driver. But he's probably going to outlive all his siblings because he didn't turn into a 300+ (400+ for one) pound doughball like the rest of the family.

The Wilford Brimleys takes part in killing my family like a republican at a ceremonial sacrifice.

Kawasaki Nun
Jul 16, 2001

by Reene


If you don't want to quit smoking, you probably won't. I'm the same way, I love the smell, taste, even feel of a fresh cigarette (almost impossible because all the other people that smoke Pall Mall nonfilters are dead and the packs sit forever and get dry and lovely). I'm not planning on quitting smoking. It's been a lifeline for 19 years, and it's probably going to be what kills me.

My uncle quit cold turkey a few years ago. Said he woke up one morning and just threw his last pack away. Smoked for 35 years. First grandkid came along and he was done. He's a nut and already has heart problems from years of binge drinking busch light, smoking kools and generally being a filthy mechanic and truck driver. But he's probably going to outlive all his siblings because he didn't turn into a 300+ (400+ for one) pound doughball like the rest of the family.

The Wilford Brimleys takes part in killing my family like a republican at a ceremonial sacrifice.

Reading poo poo like this and looking at NIH statistics provides me comfort that my relatively blase drug use and monthly heavy drinking won't cause me to have a heart attack before the age of 50

maffew buildings
Apr 29, 2009

too dumb to be probated; not too dumb to be autobanned

Syrian Lannister posted:

Hitting 6 months next week.

Week into cold turkeying soda, including ginger ale.

I am not giving up coffee you heathens

One day is a long time, let alone near six months. Good stuff, keep with it :)

Mar 30, 2011

Peggy Hill
Foot Connoisseur

Kawasaki Nun posted:

Reading poo poo like this and looking at NIH statistics provides me comfort that my relatively blase drug use and monthly heavy drinking won't cause me to have a heart attack before the age of 50

Genetics can be a crap shoot though. Other side of my family, clean living catholics that only drank the sunday sip, had an uncle go out from a sudden heart attack at about 45. Pulled into a parking spot at a gas station, opened the door and was dead when he rolled out onto the pavement. Stress is what got him, had six kids and two stepkids. Grandfather on that side went to a brain tumor around 65. Clean living catholic.

The fat side of my family puts men into the 69-76 range over the past several generations, with drunks and smokers and the occasional pot smoker. Farm accidents claimed more of us than anything else directly. We just love us some sugar so diabetes is always lurking, threatening to take a foot.

Part of it is what you do, the other part is what you are.

Oct 28, 2008

Switch to snus, then quit that with by alternating nicotine gum and regular gum by tapering off. Other than the occasional cigar at a wedding or something, I've been nicotine free for nearly two years and don't miss it at all.

You'll look, smell and feel better and save a shitton of money.

Missionary Positron
Jul 6, 2004
And now for something completely different
I managed to quit smoking cold turkey five years a go after fourteen years. I still don't really know how I managed it. I had tried to quit unsuccessfully a few times, but this time it was like one day my brain just decided that smoking wasn't my thing. The fact that I was pretty broke at the time helped, but there definitely was some kind of weird mental process that resulted in some switch flipping in my brain.

I can't even imagine smoking a cigarette anymore, the whole concept feels weirdly alien to me. On occasion, I still have dreams about smoking though.

Mar 30, 2011

Peggy Hill
Foot Connoisseur
I quit cold turkey for boot camp, but most of us are well past that point now anyhow, so useless advice it is.

But I started again at AIT, because gently caress the army.

I don't remember having the quit smoking jitters in boot, but I was too busy shaking in the Kentucky cold in the dead of winter to notice.

Terrible Robot
Jul 2, 2010

Slippery Tilde
I'm one of those pricks that can pretty much drop ciggies without issue, save for maybe a day or two of minor aggravation/short temper. I almost always take them back up when it gets cold though; something about standing outside in the snow makes me want a cig in my hand, paradoxical as that is since it means always having one hand in the cold. Now that it's warming back up they are losing their appeal again, time to quit for 6 months.

Terrible Robot fucked around with this message at 01:29 on May 9, 2017

Comrade Blyatlov
Aug 4, 2007

should have picked four fingers

Three weeks to go. Don't gently caress it up.


Syrian Lannister
Aug 25, 2007

Oh, did I kill him too?
I've been a very busy little man.

Sugartime Jones
welp.. failed

just pounded a 7-up

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