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  • Locked thread
Sandwich Anarchist
Sep 12, 2008
Queering weight loss: the self immolation method


Sludge Tank
Jul 31, 2007

by Azathoth
ooh yes i am interested

Jul 13, 2004

🎧Listen to Cylindricule!🎵

This seems like a good place to pitch my new product, GutWick, the belly-fat burning candle wick! Just use the included kit to make a small incision, install the GutWick, and light! GutWick: Burn the Love-Handle at Both Ends!

Deified Data
Nov 3, 2015

Fun Shoe
The true AUG is white cishet libs so enamored with the romance of belonging to an out group they'll invent reasons why they should while enjoying every privilege of being a white cishet lib. But we should probably pull up.

Sandwich Anarchist
Sep 12, 2008

Deified Data posted:

The true AUG is white cishet libs so enamored with the romance of belonging to an out group they'll invent reasons why they should while enjoying every privilege of being a white cishet lib. But we should probably pull up.

Just like their dads should have pulled out

Oct 2, 2012
Can't post for 6 hours!
201 pages isn't that bad. See you guys next AUG thread!

text me a vag pic
May 18, 2007

dont stainshame

Barry Bluejeans
Feb 2, 2017


Deified Data posted:

The true AUG is white cishet libs so enamored with the romance of belonging to an out group they'll invent reasons why they should while enjoying every privilege of being a white cishet lib. But we should probably pull up.

It's that, combined with the fact that they seem infuriatingly oblivious to the fact that they're one of the few people in this world who even have the opportunity to eat themselves into an early grave. So instead of looking for opportunities to limit their consumption (and perhaps leave some resources for the ~6.5 billion or so folks who aren't as fortunate), they instead position themselves as oppressed to distract themselves (and those who buy into their nonsense) from the reality that they're one of the luckiest motherfuckers walking.

It's privilege taken to a pathetic, disgusting extreme.

Barry Bluejeans has a new favorite as of 16:03 on Jan 10, 2018

Crab Dad
Dec 28, 2002

behold i have tempered and refined thee, but not as silver; as CRAB

grittyreboot posted:

201 pages isn't that bad. See you guys next AUG thread!


Pissed Ape Sexist
Apr 19, 2008

text me a vag pic posted:

dont stainshame

Weapon X + Weapon XXL

Aug 27, 2011
Can't post for 7 days!

Barry Bluejeans posted:

It's that, combined with the fact that they seem infuriatingly oblivious to the fact that they're one of the few people in this world who even have the opportunity to eat themselves into an early grave. So instead of looking for opportunities to limit their consumption (and perhaps leave some resources for the ~6.5 billion or so folks who aren't as fortunate), they instead position themselves as oppressed to distract themselves (and those who buy into their nonsense) from the reality that they're one of the luckiest motherfuckers walking.

It's privilege taken to a pathetic, disgusting extreme.
There are obese people that are straight up homeless though. I wouldn't consider them to be lucky.

Sep 26, 2007

Don't you tell me my business again.

Pretty good Blob costume though.

Rupert Buttermilk
Apr 15, 2007

🚣RowboatMan: ❄️Freezing time🕰️ is an old P.I. 🥧trick...

Pissed Ape Sexist posted:

Weapon X + Weapon XXL

I appreciated this :golfclap:

text me a vag pic
May 18, 2007

Panfilo posted:

There are obese people that are straight up homeless though. I wouldn't consider them to be lucky.

sht up fuckboy

Apr 24, 2014

The boys clubs in English colleges have pretty lax dress standards.

Barry Bluejeans
Feb 2, 2017


Boy, Black Mirror production standards have really tanked.

Apr 12, 2010

Shooting and Fucking
are the same thing!

Does his shirt mean he is against war or is it promoting a war that revolves around loving?


Calico Heart
Mar 22, 2012

"wich the worst part was what troll face did to sonic's corpse after words wich was rape it. at that point i looked away"

Barry Bluejeans posted:

Boy, Black Mirror production standards have really tanked.

Nuance levels about the same though

Pissed Ape Sexist
Apr 19, 2008

Part of me hopes you just forgot what your custom text says because that's a next-level 'post/username combo blah blah' right there

cash crab
Apr 5, 2015

all the time i am eating from the trashcan. the name of this trashcan is ideology

grittyreboot posted:

201 pages isn't that bad. See you guys next AUG thread!

I'm giving serious consideration to making the next installation of this thread "hard mode" where content has to result from people's conscious decisions, so that we can avoid two page derails about whether or not fat people are okay.

Dec 27, 2012

A happy little mouse!

cash crab posted:

I'm giving serious consideration to making the next installation of this thread "hard mode" where content has to result from people's conscious decisions, so that we can avoid two page derails about whether or not fat people are okay.

Bad decisions you say?

Probably slightly :nws: rear end

3D Megadoodoo
Nov 25, 2010

cash crab posted:

I'm giving serious consideration to making the next installation of this thread "hard mode" where content has to result from people's conscious decisions, so that we can avoid two page derails about whether or not fat people are okay.

So it would be all fat people and no ugly people?

Sandwich Anarchist
Sep 12, 2008

I don't know, I'd say we made a bunch of content the past 2 pages

cash crab
Apr 5, 2015

all the time i am eating from the trashcan. the name of this trashcan is ideology


cash crab
Apr 5, 2015

all the time i am eating from the trashcan. the name of this trashcan is ideology

Sandwich Anarchist posted:

I don't know, I'd say we made a bunch of content the past 2 pages

Yes, that's what's annoying

Jun 10, 2009

Still love you, Homar

apparently a lot of goons read those fat/gay books and have formed very strong opinions based on all of the arguments put forth within them

May 14, 2007

Tasteful Dickpic posted:

I mostly wondering which field of science fat studies falls under.

You could make a case for either medicine, nutritional science, philosophy, or the culinary arts.

Given how wacky and brilliant they are, performing arts?

Sandwich Anarchist
Sep 12, 2008

khysanth posted:

apparently a lot of goons are fat/gay

cash crab
Apr 5, 2015

all the time i am eating from the trashcan. the name of this trashcan is ideology

I can never tell if these derails are legitimate attempts to have the thread shut down or not.

Sandwich Anarchist
Sep 12, 2008

cash crab posted:

I can never tell if these derails are legitimate attempts to have the thread shut down or not.

Then we're doing it right

cash crab
Apr 5, 2015

all the time i am eating from the trashcan. the name of this trashcan is ideology

Sandwich Anarchist posted:

Then we're doing it right

I'm not sure if you're trying to be cute right right now, but if you guys sincerely would prefer to have the thread shut down, I can do that. I think it's a really passive-aggressive way to get your point across, but I'm not married to the idea of modding this thread anymore, so if that's the general consensus I'm happy to close it.

Sandwich Anarchist
Sep 12, 2008
I think you're getting bent out of shape over a little derail honestly, and threatening to take the ball and go home is a pretty lame response to it all.

E: I don't think anybody is trying to passive aggressively work some conspiracy to suggest you close a thread you clearly don't even want to mod anymore. People are making jokes on a comedy forum hth

Sandwich Anarchist has a new favorite as of 20:45 on Jan 10, 2018

jizzy sillage
Aug 13, 2006

StrangersInTheNight posted:

Look, all I know is that when I got fat all my cares melted away, like a happy lady Buddha. You'll make me give up this level of contentment over my dead body.

You can take my money, my things and my home, but you can't take my fatness, goddammit! I DRAW THE LINE THERE.

take my love
take my land
take me where I cannot stand
I don't care
I'm still free
you can't take the pie from me

Jun 9, 2012

Let no pie go wasted
Soiled Meat
As someone who enjoys this thread between the pseudo-intellectual derails, could I suggest instead of closing it or putting up with them, just slapping the culprits? It's the same few people making GBS threads things up for page after page while they argue some boring tripe, give them a few days break and let the thread go on.

Or are you saying you're tired of having to clean their messes up in the first place?

cash crab
Apr 5, 2015

all the time i am eating from the trashcan. the name of this trashcan is ideology

Sandwich Anarchist posted:

I think you're getting bent out of shape over a little derail honestly, and threatening to take the ball and go home is a pretty lame response to it all.

E: I don't think anybody is trying to passive aggressively work some conspiracy to suggest you close a thread you clearly don't even want to mod anymore. People are making jokes on a comedy forum hth

You're absolutely right, actually, on several counts, but I guess the most pertinent one being that I don't particularly want to mod this thread anymore. Sorry, kids. It's been "fun".


cash crab
Apr 5, 2015

all the time i am eating from the trashcan. the name of this trashcan is ideology

Ratzap posted:

As someone who enjoys this thread between the pseudo-intellectual derails, could I suggest instead of closing it or putting up with them, just slapping the culprits? It's the same few people making GBS threads things up for page after page while they argue some boring tripe, give them a few days break and let the thread go on.

Or are you saying you're tired of having to clean their messes up in the first place?

What's going to happen is I am going to close it, and when I feel the energy to restart it, I will do so. It will be under even more strict, possibly arbitrary, rules. But right now, I need a break from the derail cycles, and since I am the only mod who'll touch it for the time being, that's how that's going to happen.

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