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My Spirit Otter
Jun 15, 2006


SKILCRAFT KREW Reppin' Quality Blind Made American Products. Bitch.
i mean, im grossly overpaid for the amount i work


Feb 28, 2023

Twenty Year Lurker

Kazinsal posted:

You know, every time I think "gently caress I'm underpaid and my employer is falling apart, I should look at one of the CF jobs in my field" I always come to this thread and am reminded that I probably shouldn't.

Still contemplating it though.
If you have any kind of uni degree, any field, the commissioned officer route is the way to go. The pay gap is absurd.

If you join a tech trade and are good at your job (or huff your boss's farts every day), you might make Sgt in 10 years, for 96k annual gross (on 2024's pay scale).

If you join a tech trade and your career stalls out for reasons beyond your control, you might only make 85k as a Cpl.

If you join as an officer and are objectively bad at your job, you will be a Captain with a high pay incentive in 10 years, for a whopping 120k annual.

If you join as an officer and are even halfway competent, you will be the one-eyed man leading the kingdom of the blind, likely making LCol in 10 years for 150k a year.

My Spirit Otter posted:

i mean, im grossly overpaid for the amount i work
My stance is that we're overpaid for the work that we do, but underpaid for the poo poo we put up with.

Jan 4, 2009

There are also a number of ways to further your education during your time in the organization and afterward. The funding tap for SDPEER has been opened up significantly and they've been endorsing/approving courses much more readily than the last 5-10 years of the ILP system being a dry desert of money. There are a few different educational paths to get you to those juicy commissioned positions mentioned above as well, regardless of how you entered the CAF. After someone leaves the CAF there is also the VAC Education and Training Benefit, which is a large wallet of money ($45,000 for six years of service, increasing to $90,000 after twelve years of service) available for post-secondary as well.

Dec 13, 2011

Gainsboro posted:

If you have any kind of uni degree, any field, the commissioned officer route is the way to go. The pay gap is absurd.

If you join a tech trade and are good at your job (or huff your boss's farts every day), you might make Sgt in 10 years, for 96k annual gross (on 2024's pay scale).

If you join a tech trade and your career stalls out for reasons beyond your control, you might only make 85k as a Cpl.

If you join as an officer and are objectively bad at your job, you will be a Captain with a high pay incentive in 10 years, for a whopping 120k annual.

If you join as an officer and are even halfway competent, you will be the one-eyed man leading the kingdom of the blind, likely making LCol in 10 years for 150k a year.

My stance is that we're overpaid for the work that we do, but underpaid for the poo poo we put up with.

Yeah, it definitely makes me wish I had a bachelor's degree. Unfortunately I've got a two-year technical diploma from BCIT and that doesn't seem to be valid for any sort of upgrade path to officer entry, but maybe I'm looking in the wrong places. Would emailing my local CFRC be the best way to get a definitive answer about that?

Feb 28, 2023

Twenty Year Lurker

Kazinsal posted:

Would emailing my local CFRC be the best way to get a definitive answer about that?
Ideally, yes.
Realistically, probably not. Our recruiting offices aren't staffed by professional recruiters; they're staffed by tradesmen not useful enough to be employed in their actual trades. If they don't immediately know the answer to your inquiry, they're liable to just tell you what you want to hear. Rather than, you know, the truth.

It feels dirty to say but the best place to ask is probably Reddit. The CF subreddit has an ongoing recruiting Q&A thread, and folks are generally invested enough to point you in the right direction.

Aug 18, 2011

Kazinsal posted:

Yeah, it definitely makes me wish I had a bachelor's degree. Unfortunately I've got a two-year technical diploma from BCIT and that doesn't seem to be valid for any sort of upgrade path to officer entry, but maybe I'm looking in the wrong places. Would emailing my local CFRC be the best way to get a definitive answer about that?
The quicker/ easier route might be looking at what degree program your BCIT credits might be applicable to, getting the bachelor's on your own, then applying to the cf for a commissioned role.

May 1, 2009

The Boeing 737-200QC is the undisputed workhorse of the skies.
I’m not aware of any non-bachelor degree that gets you into the officer rank.

It was pretty funny when the CF recruiter showed up at the marine institute offering people jobs as navy petty officers and poo poo making like 40k… We all got to be officers and engineer officers in the civilian world making 75k+ a year later.

Jimbone Tallshanks
Dec 16, 2005

You can't pull rank on murder.

If the Navy ever gave the civilian quals its sailors deserved it'd be impossible to keep people in.

Aug 18, 2011

Unconfirmed rumors of TC getting better at recognizing sea time and courses. I've run into a few navy vets on civilian ships, but the majority were retirees working casual crew positions.

May 1, 2009

The Boeing 737-200QC is the undisputed workhorse of the skies.
Interesting news from Transport Canada for our navy friends:

Do please learn to chill on the VHF though.

Sep 14, 2008
Glad to see our comrades in the senior service able to move to civilian employment easily in 6~ years time when their housing allowance cuts off for arbitrary entirely reasonable reasons.

Apr 20, 2020

by sebmojo

My Spirit Otter posted:

mq9s are combat drones and predators are command staff. completely different use cases


mom and dad fight a lot
Sep 21, 2006
Can't post for 23 days!
Another Air Force Officer can't do guns properly


A major with the Royal Canadian Air Force faces a long list of charges after border officers seized more than a dozen prohibited firearms and allegedly found undeclared guns "hidden" among his belongings when they were shipped back to Canada.

Maj. Kendrick Barling returned to the country in August after being posted in the U.S. for five years, the Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA) wrote in a news release.

His household goods were shipped through Canadian Forces Base Trenton where "numerous undeclared firearms were discovered hidden throughout the shipment," it reads.

Note to self: don't send contraband through CMTT.

mom and dad fight a lot fucked around with this message at 00:39 on Nov 18, 2023

Mar 17, 2005
Fun Shoe
Yeesh that guy's better equipped than my entire det was overseas

Or was at least, lol

Feb 28, 2023

Twenty Year Lurker

mom and dad fight a lot posted:

Another Air Force Officer can't do guns properly

Note to self: don't send contraband through CMTT.

I wouldn't accuse someone trafficking forty five thousand rounds of ammo across the border of any less than armed insurrection. There's just no practical purpose for that many bullets. I wouldn't be surprised if that's more than any non-depot base has on hand at any given time.

Mar 7, 2014

Slava Ukrayini

Clapping Larry

Gainsboro posted:

I wouldn't accuse someone trafficking forty five thousand rounds of ammo across the border of any less than armed insurrection. There's just no practical purpose for that many bullets. I wouldn't be surprised if that's more than any non-depot base has on hand at any given time.

Look we all went a little crazy when the pandemic started and we thought everyone with the vaccine would turn into zombies so why wouldn't you stock up on enough ammunition to wipe out the population of a small town? You know sometimes you just have to have 6 different AR-15s all with the same scope and slightly different stock because changing pieces is too loving hard and what happens if one breaks?

Come aaaaaahhhhhnnnnn

Aug 18, 2011

Gainsboro posted:

I wouldn't accuse someone trafficking forty five thousand rounds of ammo across the border of any less than armed insurrection. There's just no practical purpose for that many bullets. I wouldn't be surprised if that's more than any non-depot base has on hand at any given time.

A bulk flat of .22lr is 5k rounds on its own. If the guy was a frequent competitive shooter, buying in bulk, and had an array of loads, that many doesn't sound quite so exceptional.
If I read correctly, he was moving all his stuff, and didn't declare things properly / at all. Figured the military system was less likely to get searched, had all these prohibs he didn't want to get rid of, and just shipped it.

My Spirit Otter
Jun 15, 2006


SKILCRAFT KREW Reppin' Quality Blind Made American Products. Bitch.

B33rChiller posted:

A bulk flat of .22lr is 5k rounds on its own. If the guy was a frequent competitive shooter, buying in bulk, and had an array of loads, that many doesn't sound quite so exceptional.
If I read correctly, he was moving all his stuff, and didn't declare things properly / at all. Figured the military system was less likely to get searched, had all these prohibs he didn't want to get rid of, and just shipped it.

as someone in the traffic world, when you submit uab, you are very explicitly told what can and cannot go into your uab. firearms, especially if youre coming from the us, is always the first thing mentioned and its a hard NO. he was 100% aware of the rules and wanted to sneak his arsenal back into canada, figuring that military cargo sent across the border would get hand waved through, and he was right, however, trenton has a cbsa det on site and screens 100% of international cargo for exactly this reason.

this dude knew exactly what he was doing, hopimg he could sneak his guns back home and failed and now he's going to rightfully eat a poo poo sandwich

Feb 26, 2003

Still better than android clock

can the troops at least use the seized rounds for training

Aug 22, 2012

mom and dad fight a lot posted:

Another Air Force Officer can't do guns properly

Note to self: don't send contraband through CMTT.

Did he bring them from Canada to the states first? Selection wise it doesn't seem like there's much actually prohib pre handgun ban. Just saying if he was trying to sneak US firearms back at least have a couple ARs or something? Not counting the handguns these are look non restricted to me

My Spirit Otter
Jun 15, 2006


SKILCRAFT KREW Reppin' Quality Blind Made American Products. Bitch.

SuperSix posted:

Did he bring them from Canada to the states first? Selection wise it doesn't seem like there's much actually prohib pre handgun ban. Just saying if he was trying to sneak US firearms back at least have a couple ARs or something? Not counting the handguns these are look non restricted to me

none of that really matters when you dont declare them on reentry by trying to sneak them through military ahipping which is reserved for military gear and certain personal items. firearms not being one of them.

this dude broke military and civilian laws, he's hosed and he hosed himself doing something even a no-hook private wouldnt do

Oct 24, 2012

The only sword wielding rabbit on the internet

Ultra Carp

SuperSix posted:

Did he bring them from Canada to the states first? Selection wise it doesn't seem like there's much actually prohib pre handgun ban. Just saying if he was trying to sneak US firearms back at least have a couple ARs or something? Not counting the handguns these are look non restricted to me

A different news article shows the prohibited firearms he was smuggling, mostly AR lowers and I think 2 complete AR rifles. Also had what I highly suspected was a FRT (Forced reset trigger a grey-area US legal full auto-like trigger but 100% a prohibited device in Canada)

But really the not declaring things is the biggest problem

mom and dad fight a lot
Sep 21, 2006
Can't post for 23 days!
This article goes into a little more depth about the charges.


The agency said they seized two shotguns, seven handguns, 10 rifles and roughly 45,000 rounds of ammunition, along with hundreds of magazines, some of which were over capacity.

CBSA also said multiple firearms had duplicate serial numbers.

The agency declined an interview and did not directly respond to questions about the firearms that were seized, citing the ongoing investigation.

Major faces 29 charges

Barling is charged with five counts of smuggling goods into Canada, as well as two counts each of making false statements and importing goods without a permit.

He also faces nine counts each of importing a firearm knowing it is unauthorized and unauthorized importing of a firearm, plus two counts of contravening transportation regulations.

Arc Light
Sep 26, 2013

Gainsboro posted:

I wouldn't accuse someone trafficking forty five thousand rounds of ammo across the border of any less than armed insurrection. There's just no practical purpose for that many bullets. I wouldn't be surprised if that's more than any non-depot base has on hand at any given time.

He spent five years living in the US, breathing the air, interacting with the people. It's like being in Mordor. It changes you.

mom and dad fight a lot
Sep 21, 2006
Can't post for 23 days!
Alright, own up.


Harris knew that a group of Canadian Armed Forces reservists had held training the week prior where they'd tried to mislead another group of soldiers into believing there were wolves in the woods nearby.

"Please tell me this isn't something you guys did," Harris wrote to his colleagues who organized the training. He included a link to the news article.

The mock letter was indeed the same one created for the military exercise.

It was designed to look like an authentic memo from the Province of Nova Scotia — complete with government logos and contact details for real-life employees.


A recap of what happened was prepared and sent out the next day.

"Apologies for interrupting your weekend however you should be aware of this developing situation," Col. Shane Gallant wrote to senior leaders of the 5th Canadian Division, which includes all army members across Atlantic Canada.

The letter was only part of the psychological exercise. The reservists waited for nightfall, then mounted a speaker atop a military vehicle, and drove through the woods blasting wolf howl sounds.

The morning after the howl hoax, the reservists packed up their gear to head home to Halifax.

Before they left, they went to collect copies of the fake letter but found the building had been cleaned. They assumed all the letters had been thrown away.

"We cannot confirm how many [wolf letter] copies were not retrieved or how they were released into the public domain," Gallant wrote.

I bet whoever made that letter can make some sick rear end powerpoint slides.

Jimbone Tallshanks
Dec 16, 2005

You can't pull rank on murder.

Cascade of errors? Or elaborate coverup of the escape of dozens of lab-created wolfmen? :tinfoil:

Mar 7, 2014

Slava Ukrayini

Clapping Larry

Jimbone Tallshanks posted:

Cascade of errors? Or elaborate coverup of the escape of dozens of lab-created wolfmen? :tinfoil:

Id have believed you if this eas Manitoba. Maritimes Moneys go to the Irvings

Feb 28, 2023

Twenty Year Lurker

Jobbo_Fett posted:

Id have believed you if this eas Manitoba. Maritimes Moneys go to the Irvings
I wouldn't put human-hybrid experimentation past the Irvings. What better reason to own millions of acres of land?

Mar 7, 2014

Slava Ukrayini

Clapping Larry

Gainsboro posted:

I wouldn't put human-hybrid experimentation past the Irvings. What better reason to own millions of acres of land?

May 1, 2009

The Boeing 737-200QC is the undisputed workhorse of the skies.
poo poo has far as CF pranks go, that’s got to be the tamest to make public media in my lifetime.

Sep 3, 2003


Gainsboro posted:

I wouldn't put human-hybrid experimentation past the Irvings. What better reason to own millions of acres of land?

In New Brunswick? Fly fishing. Seriously, the Irvings control access to huge swathes of land along both sides of waterways that have some of the best Atlantic salmon fishing on the planet. And the average New Brunswicker will never get access to those places. Hundreds of millions of dollars of public money is forked over to the Irvings every year to fund road maintenance on controlled access wood lots that the public are not allowed to use. The Irving corporation and family takes advantage of this for business trips and retreats with elected officials where they can enjoy some truly fine fishing and hunting without having to worry about encountering any of the peasantry.

PER narrative reads: "Pvt. John Barkins is the goodest boy in the unit and an example to his peers."

Fearless fucked around with this message at 16:59 on Jan 31, 2024

Sep 3, 2003


Doublepost! Nothing to see here!

My Spirit Otter
Jun 15, 2006


SKILCRAFT KREW Reppin' Quality Blind Made American Products. Bitch.
is it 8 years or 10 years for the next tier of education benefits?

Jan 4, 2009


My Spirit Otter posted:

is it 8 years or 10 years for the next tier of education benefits?

Starts at 6 years, doubles at 12.

My Spirit Otter
Jun 15, 2006


SKILCRAFT KREW Reppin' Quality Blind Made American Products. Bitch.


Jun 30, 2008

i had the weirdest compulsion to check out joining the forces today. does canada want a reasonably fit homemaker with a college degree or are they just gonna tell me to gently caress off?

Jun 18, 2004

High on the Lions.

They want everything and everyone.

mom and dad fight a lot
Sep 21, 2006
Can't post for 23 days!
Go officer so you can afford to live at your next posting

Jimbone Tallshanks
Dec 16, 2005

You can't pull rank on murder.

EightFlyingCars posted:

i had the weirdest compulsion to check out joining the forces today. does canada want a reasonably fit homemaker with a college degree or are they just gonna tell me to gently caress off?

They do but they're gonna play hard to get


My Spirit Otter
Jun 15, 2006


SKILCRAFT KREW Reppin' Quality Blind Made American Products. Bitch.

EightFlyingCars posted:

i had the weirdest compulsion to check out joining the forces today. does canada want a reasonably fit homemaker with a college degree or are they just gonna tell me to gently caress off?

how willing to move is your family? depending on your trade, officers can get posted frequently

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