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Icon Of Sin
Dec 26, 2008

Had a very impatient aspiring mom haul out before sunset and leave her eggs.

They normally come up in the dead of night, getting to see one before sunset was a rare treat :unsmith:


Handsome Ralph
Sep 3, 2004

Oh boy, posting!
That's where I'm a Viking!

Comrade Blyatlov posted:

I took this pic this morning, it made me happy with how well it came out

Really liking the calm vibes I'm getting from this.

Can't wait to visit one day. Sooner than later, I hope! My wife's best friend and her husband are moving to Sydney, so we'll have the excuse of "well we're already over here..." to go and see New Zealand as well.

Comrade Blyatlov
Aug 4, 2007

should have picked four fingers

Handsome Ralph posted:

Really liking the calm vibes I'm getting from this.

Can't wait to visit one day. Sooner than later, I hope! My wife's best friend and her husband are moving to Sydney, so we'll have the excuse of "well we're already over here..." to go and see New Zealand as well.

I'll smoke you some ribs.

Hyrax Attack!
Jan 13, 2009

We demand to be taken seriously

Trailer for Lower Decks s3 looks to have lots of content from my all time favorite DS9, hoping we get lots of cameos. They gotta get Quark back at least.

Sep 13, 2007

Ask me about Proposition 305

Do you like muskets?
holy poo poo I think I finished my dissertation

Kesper North
Nov 3, 2011


McNally posted:

holy poo poo I think I finished my dissertation

congrats! now you can eat dissert

Nov 21, 2008

Kesper North posted:

congrats! now you can eat dissert

with mint frosting?

Icon Of Sin
Dec 26, 2008

I work for NPS doing sea turtle monitoring, and had a rare find the other day!

I had a near-albino hatchling in a nest I excavated. These are rare to start with, but what was even rarer was that it didn’t have any deformities. Typically the white ones have some sort of birth defect to them, but this little dude beat those odds and didn’t have anything apparent. He was just ready to loving go :kimchi: little dude even beat his 2 siblings to the water, he had places to be and jellyfish to eat :)

(Put it as a timg, not sure how that works for gifs 😬)

Vincent Van Goatse
Nov 8, 2006

Enjoy every sandwich.

Use "url" tags, not "timg" ones.

Like so:
Go little dude, go!

I love sea turtles :neckbeard: What species is that?

Jan 15, 2006
Was it albino or leucistic?

Icon Of Sin
Dec 26, 2008

Vincent Van Goatse posted:

Use "url" tags, not "timg" ones.

Like so:
Go little dude, go!

I love sea turtles :neckbeard: What species is that?

It’s a loggerhead!

A.o.D. posted:

Was it albino or leucistic?

Blurring the line between the two. At least a really strong leucistic, but that really pink spot on its head made me start to think think more albino. Other/better pic, with siblings:

These came from the same nest, but mom had laid over 130 eggs and these were the only 3 hatchlings still at home. The white one was the strongest of the 3, but everyone made it to the water (and that’s as much as I can ever do for them :cry: )

Terrifying Effigies
Oct 22, 2008

Problems look mighty small from 150 miles up.

Good luck little guys

Another little (non-endangered) turtle guy I caught chilling a few weeks back

Aug 12, 2022

I miss Sheila :c
In this calendar year, I've gotten into three schools, my third I am in right now (Space Cadre) is probably the best since I will earn the Space Badge in a few months once I hit 12 months in my position.

I'm no sexy infantry boi with the cool kid schools (rangurrrr, parachutist+jumpmaster, air assault, or expurt) so the Space Badge is the next best thing I could earn and show that 'I sort of know my poo poo in this specific field so you all never have to worry about it' in my uniform.

Apr 28, 2010

CabooseRvB posted:

In this calendar year, I've gotten into three schools, my third I am in right now (Space Cadre) is probably the best since I will earn the Space Badge in a few months once I hit 12 months in my position.

I'm no sexy infantry boi with the cool kid schools (rangurrrr, parachutist+jumpmaster, air assault, or expurt) so the Space Badge is the next best thing I could earn and show that 'I sort of know my poo poo in this specific field so you all never have to worry about it' in my uniform.

Was sexy Infantry boy.
Would rather have that dope rear end looking space badge

Icon Of Sin
Dec 26, 2008

It’s been a great sea turtle season out here. Second highest number of nests on record, and I got to met both moms and hatchlings :kimchi:

(These should be gifs)

This big mama is a green sea turtle. They’re rare-ish here, usually accounting for ~3-5% of our total nests.

The last one was a miracle of a hatchling. Normally the leucistic/albino ones have some sort of birth defect to them, ranging from malformed flippers to skull/jaw deformities. This one seemingly had none of that, and just had places to loving be :unsmith:

might’ve posted that one here before, I’ve got others to post if that’s the case

e: lmao same page. Stand by…


Icon Of Sin fucked around with this message at 13:54 on Sep 19, 2022

Apr 27, 2013


Poor guy, being pushed back to where he started. At least he seems to finally made it to the sea at the end?

These are all awesome to see, great work!

Icon Of Sin
Dec 26, 2008

Torrannor posted:

Poor guy, being pushed back to where he started. At least he seems to finally made it to the sea at the end?

These are all awesome to see, great work!

They get rolled in the waves a lot. When the only time you’re on land* is between the nest and the tideline, you can afford to be a little awkward along the way :unsmith: When we release them after a nest excavation, rarely one can’t make it out to the water (for whatever reason). They get walked out as far as we can go without taking a swim and dropped in a receding wave. They’re far better swimmers than they are walkers, so we never know who’s going to survive based on how they’re acting on shore.

*statistically we hatch more males than females here, we’re on the northern/cooler end of the loggerhead nesting range and their sex selection isn’t genetic like a lot of other animals. It’s temperature-based, with cooler nests producing more male hatchlings. The switchover temp is hilariously specific, I think it’s like 84.6° F.

Apr 28, 2010

You can share these little guys daily if you want.

Icon Of Sin
Dec 26, 2008

bulletsponge13 posted:

You can share these little guys daily if you want.

Last night was the time this year I got to release any. They all did so good 🥺

I see the way home!

Got this one just as the wave was reaching up to take it out to sea.

A different one, on the way home all the same.

Automatic Slim
Jul 1, 2007

Icon Of Sin posted:

Last night was the time this year I got to release any. They all did so good 🥺

I see the way home!

Got this one just as the wave was reaching up to take it out to sea.

A different one, on the way home all the same.

These are great images to wake up to.

Mar 18, 2006


Automatic Slim posted:

These are great images to wake up to.

Completely agreed

Apr 20, 2007
I invented the line.

Icon Of Sin posted:

Last night was the time this year I got to release any. They all did so good 🥺

I see the way home!

Got this one just as the wave was reaching up to take it out to sea.

A different one, on the way home all the same.

I often get excited when there are new posts in the positive thread in the morning.

This did not disappoint.

US Berder Patrol
Jul 11, 2006


omfg good luck little fella!!!

Comrade Blyatlov
Aug 4, 2007

should have picked four fingers

I'm glad this thread exists so we have a place for little turtles

Apr 28, 2010

My frogs laid eggs!

Apr 20, 2007
I invented the line.

Can't wait for tadpole/super small frog pics to show the wife. It might overload her after the sea turtles.

Jun 13, 2006

"Stand back, Ottawan ruffian, or face my lumens!"
If you want some straight up :unsmith: right into your veins, check this YouTube channel out. This Canadian woman is straight up doing some Disney Princess poo poo with her local wildlife:

Apr 28, 2010

Because it has brightened everyone in my life's day, you guys get to see me with my pet Hen in Green Zone 2004

Icon Of Sin
Dec 26, 2008

bulletsponge13 posted:

Because it has brightened everyone in my life's day, you guys get to see me with my pet Hen in Green Zone 2004

Someone in GiP a while back had named their chickens “clustercluck” and “cluckface”, and I giggle every time I think about it (which is more than I’ll admit to).

Apr 28, 2010

Icon Of Sin posted:

Someone in GiP a while back had named their chickens “clustercluck” and “cluckface”, and I giggle every time I think about it (which is more than I’ll admit to).

Those are excellent names.

Oct 28, 2008

Things on this dead gay comedy forum that make me happy when I see them:

Icon of Sin’s turtleposting

Bulletsponge13’s writing and that he’s starting to gain a following

Devmd01 making Pongo the happiest loving dog

TF and Luca’s adventures

And lots more.

I may never get to meet most if not all of you but it makes me happy to see you all thriving.

Comrade Blyatlov
Aug 4, 2007

should have picked four fingers

As well as adventures with a Great White Idiot, I also take pretentious af photos at work. Here's a sampling, but I'll begin with my best Saturn and Luna to date.

In honour of QEII:

Icon Of Sin
Dec 26, 2008

Thought I was out, and got pulled back in one last time!

We got storm-swells off of hurricane Fiona for a few days, and these little guys’ nest had taken a few waves already. The next high tide was going to come up even higher, so we did our storm protocol for this nest and checked on it. Hatchlings have it rough enough as it is, and adding “drowned underground” to that list is not a good way to go. We were worried about what we’d find once we dug in for the previous overwash, but the nest’s drainage was juuuust enough and we found 96 little dudes that were happy to be released :unsmith:

Leaving the island today at 1, and the sunrise was also pretty drat solid :swoon:

Icon Of Sin fucked around with this message at 13:27 on Sep 24, 2022

Nov 27, 2007

I watched the dart probe. I am looking forward to the new orbit

Apr 10, 2003


Grimey Drawer

Thwomp posted:

Update: I’ve just passed 75 pounds lost and am sitting at 240 lbs.

it’s loving bizarre and exhilarating as I’ve got a lot of complicated feelings toward my weight.

I can see my belly finally receding beyond just in proportion to my overall weight loss. That’s a recent development. Still pudgy around the middle but I’m closing in on dad bod instead of beer gut.

Another update: crossed 90 pounds lost. I haven’t been this weight since high school some 20ish years ago.

Syrian Lannister
Aug 25, 2007

Oh, did I kill him too?
I've been a very busy little man.

Sugartime Jones
They're identified hot dog guy!

Time Crisis Actor
Apr 28, 2002

by Hand Knit

Cmon man, GiP has known that this guy was Robin Williams for years

Jan 15, 2006
His name is Sgt. Chowdown.

Apr 28, 2010


Icon Of Sin
Dec 26, 2008


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