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Babby Sathanas
May 16, 2006

bearbating is now adorable
The best A23 album is Defiance if just because of Maps Of Reality and Blindhammer.
I liked Meta, even if it was a little whiny. Raw is pretty much the only seriously stand out track.
I agree that Compass is really unlistenable.

Also - is anyone else completely loving sick of Combichrist? I wish clubs would substitute TSWFYU for Tractor.

My all-time favourites are Front Line Assembly, X-Fusion, Das Ich and Feindflug.

Some highlights from FLA: Mortal, Barcode, Infra Red Combat, Colombian Necktie, Evil Playground (bonus amazing remix, possibly my favourite remix of anything ever), Iceolate, Mindphaser, Gun (can only find live versions on youtube wtf), Bio-Mechanic (same), Retribution, Prophecy, Sturm, Future Fail, Armageddon. (Apparently I have too many favourites. Please don't make me talk about Improvised Electronic Device.)

Das Ich: Des Satans Neue Kleider, Kain Und Abel, Sonne, Mond Und Sterne, Erde Ruft, Destillat, Reanimat, Engel, Gottes Tod, Kreig Im Paradies, Atemlos, Schwarzes Gift, Zuckerbrot & Peitsche, Seele Tanzt, Tot Im Kopf. (Some people loving hate Das Ich so YMMV.)

Feindflug: Feindflug, Alptraum, Lagerhaft, Stukas Im Viser, Gestandnis, Kahle Bedrohung, Roter Schnee, Suchatzki Marsch, Menschenjagd, Leitbild, Truppenschau, Schmerzgrenze, Leere Gräben, Tsfks. (IN BEFORE "LOL GERMANS AND WAR" give it a break.)

Aaaand X-Fusion: Let My Body Burn, Left Hand Path, Dear God, Mammonism, Rest In Pieces, Defiled And Raped, Pitch Black, Rotten To The Core, My Inner Storm Blows, Gerasas Demoniac, Bouncer Of The Pearly Gate, I Saw You, Commercial Whore, Last Breath, House Of Mirrors, Rise and Fall, Exspes, Still Breathing. Here's X-Fusion making the best Grendel song into a better X-Fusion song. (There's actually not a single X-Fusion song I don't like but I'm bored now.)

Babby Sathanas fucked around with this message at 07:22 on Mar 1, 2011


Babby Sathanas
May 16, 2006

bearbating is now adorable

Radio Paranoia posted:

I have been really blown away by Heimataerde though, especially the Dark Dance EP. It's a great little 6-tracker with three very different takes on the title track!

I wish Heimat would put that loving flute down. It's becoming a joke.

Babby Sathanas
May 16, 2006

bearbating is now adorable

Twiin posted:

Haha, nice one.

Incase you still miss it, the guy has a Confederate Flag on his chest.

Babby Sathanas
May 16, 2006

bearbating is now adorable
Latest artists announced for Infest 2011:
Maschinenkrieger KR52 and Disraptor

Babby Sathanas
May 16, 2006

bearbating is now adorable
I've never understood how And One got any love from anyone, every single one of their records has been mind numbingly boring for me. Save for Panzer Mensch, obviously.

Babby Sathanas
May 16, 2006

bearbating is now adorable

CAT rear end now!!! posted:

Well, for me, And One is a bright spot of sense of humor in a scene that often takes itself way too seriously, basically. They do have some great stuff besides their funnier bits, too, but I don't blame you if you don't find their albums interesting. They're usually extremely uneven, with lots of boring filler with some absolute masterpieces in between.

I'm all for bands not taking themselves seriously, I listen to plenty that don't and love it, but And One just seem to recycle the same old boring poo poo forever. I still need good and interesting music to go with my fun at the end of the day. Although I had forgotten that Wasted was one of theirs and I'll admit that I liked this -

But really, with a library like they have and only a few songs don't make me think they're complete trash. :S
I mean, that Timekiller cover is horrible, he has this completely boring and unemotional voice that just ruins the song. Plus it wasn't so much a cover as it was a complete remake.

Now Laibach know how to do covers.

Babby Sathanas
May 16, 2006

bearbating is now adorable
Assholes need to come back to the UK where the :siren:REAL FANS:siren: are.

Babby Sathanas
May 16, 2006

bearbating is now adorable
I too adore Sonar.

Babby Sathanas
May 16, 2006

bearbating is now adorable
I used to listen to Digital Gunfire years ago. How does it compare? They've never done DJ sets though, AFAIK it's just a Winamp playlist on shuffle. But it is a massive playlist.

Babby Sathanas
May 16, 2006

bearbating is now adorable
So Resistanz in Sheffield is this weekend. Anyone else going?

Babby Sathanas
May 16, 2006

bearbating is now adorable
Anyone not at Resistanz is missing a fantastic time.
Even if Corporation is a little lovely, it's completely kicking the crap out of what Infest has become.

I got to meet Gothsicles and Caustic too so I'm mega happy!

Babby Sathanas
May 16, 2006

bearbating is now adorable

Babby Sathanas
May 16, 2006

bearbating is now adorable
The only solution is just to play FLA constantly because, really, why would you want to listen to anything else?

Babby Sathanas
May 16, 2006

bearbating is now adorable

CAT rear end now!!! posted:

gently caress I love this band

Tell me about it, I loving adore them. They'd definitely be one of my desert-island artists.

Babby Sathanas
May 16, 2006

bearbating is now adorable
Complaining about Project Pitchfork lyrics :psyduck:

Babby Sathanas
May 16, 2006

bearbating is now adorable
Rammstein are really far too metal for this thread IMO.

Babby Sathanas
May 16, 2006

bearbating is now adorable
Do Unheilig count as fitting into the same place as Rammstein? I really like them. Can't say I like Rammstein much at all anymore, I used to think they were the bees knees at school but I can only assume I grew out of them or something. Same story with most guitar based music these days. I'll be honest, guitars usually bore me unless they're being used purely as backing or the band are particularly interesting. (I still listen to System Of A Down for instance.)

Babby Sathanas
May 16, 2006

bearbating is now adorable

CAT rear end now!!! posted:

Are you aware what a ginormous loving thing they became with their album Grosse Freiheit last year?

Haha, no I had no idea. I haven't actually listened to that album yet either. Maybe I'll give it a go.

Speaking of the ol' Pitchfork, my copy of First Anthology arrived today and you're right, it's bloody fantastic.

Babby Sathanas
May 16, 2006

bearbating is now adorable
Combichrist have been supporting them as well. What the hell is going on?

Babby Sathanas
May 16, 2006

bearbating is now adorable
Yeah, I have that Lichtspielhaus DVD and their live shows look like a total blast, so long as you're not miles away at the back.

Babby Sathanas
May 16, 2006

bearbating is now adorable

teethgrinder posted:

Die Krupps cancelled opening for FLA/m.i.a.b. in Toronto



Conjure One is opening instead!!

loving hate living in the UK, I swear.

Babby Sathanas
May 16, 2006

bearbating is now adorable
I've seen FLA twice, once at Infest and once in a small venue in Manchester. I might be biased since I love them more than anything but they were two of the best hours of my life.

got to touch Bleeb, not ashamed to admit

Babby Sathanas
May 16, 2006

bearbating is now adorable

Zyklon B Zombie posted:

At least futurepop artists could branch out to make more synthpop or new wave or electroclashy sounding stuff. Where does a terror EBM band like Suicide Commando or Combichrist evolve to? Well obviously to nowhere listening to some random newer stuff by them. That stuff drove me out of listening to industrial too.

Suicide Commando get louder. I'm not going to hate on them though, I still love the poo poo out of them. It's thier sound they can do what they like.

As far Combichrist, it's pretty funny how much they're going back to sounding more and more like Icon Of Coil every release.

Now there's a band I want back.

I will agree that the huge number of artists popping up that sound identical is driving me crazy. Oh well, there's always everything on the Hands label to listen to!

Babby Sathanas
May 16, 2006

bearbating is now adorable
I think IED is literally the worst thing they've ever made. Yeah that's right. I think Epitaph is better. The fact that the only really listenable thing on the album is the extra ambient thing is bizarre. The Ministry track (don't kid yourself, that's all it is) has absolutely no business being on the CD at all. The rest of it is drony jugga jugga jugga, I strain to hear the electronic part it's just a loving metal album.

I'm not bitter, not at all.

Babby Sathanas
May 16, 2006

bearbating is now adorable
TNI and Hard Wired for me. But I also did love Fallout for some reason and a couple of tracks from Implode are incredible.

Babby Sathanas
May 16, 2006

bearbating is now adorable

Doctor Zero posted:

Compression is the loving devil in modern music production, so yeah, I think you nailed it.

And it all comes full circle back to FLA. (Whomever mastered Artificial Soldier needs to be shot.)

Babby Sathanas
May 16, 2006

bearbating is now adorable

Zyklon B Zombie posted:

Wow, does it actually sound like that on the album? That is horrible to listen to. I like how the quiet intro part is exactly as loud as the part where the guitars bust in and start clipping to hell and back.

You need a pair of reaaaaaaaally good speakers for it to sound even remotely acceptable even on the CD. Any kind of lossy compression utterly destroys it. It's loving pathetic.

Babby Sathanas
May 16, 2006

bearbating is now adorable
Leeb must be losing his hearing in his old age.

Babby Sathanas
May 16, 2006

bearbating is now adorable
I honestly feel like it was an experiment that the producer didn't want to waste on anything more "important".


Going to Wendyhouse in Leeds tomorrow, never been before. How poo poo is it from a scale of Pop to Noise?

Babby Sathanas
May 16, 2006

bearbating is now adorable

Danger - Octopus! posted:

If no one answers, I would be interested in a poo poo/not poo poo trip report, since I'm heading down to visit a friend and go out there next month.

Haha well, hm.

Wendyhouse is split into two rooms, one of which is like goth rock, 80s rock and synth and any old poo poo. The other room is closer (they call it the "Mutate" room lmao) to the kind of thing we want, so I just stayed in there most of the night.

On a scale of Pop to Noise I'd say that Wendyhouse is Aggro at best but mostly hovers around hard dance. I mean they played the usual poo poo like Noisuf-X and X-RX, but at one point played a Scooter track. It all went tits-up about about an hour before the end as they started to play dubstep and D&B. Infact I did watch all of the cybers leave at that point, as did I.

The room is pretty small as expected, but just big enough for the numbers of people dancing. Lots of seats and stuff for chilling on and the bar isn't terrible.

I'll say that if you're going to go out of your way for an industrial night it's probably not a very good place to go, but if you just want some fun for a few hours it's worth it. I recommend going drunk though, it made it much less disappointing.

I'll prolly go again at some point.

Babby Sathanas
May 16, 2006

bearbating is now adorable
Haha I listened to that earlier because Caustic retweeted it. I really enjoyed it! I've always appreciated hip hop on some level so it was pretty much perfect for me.

Anything with Cynanotic gets my vote.

Also you've introduced me to which was nice of you.

Babby Sathanas
May 16, 2006

bearbating is now adorable

P.M.F. posted:

Just came across this, apparently Portal 2's soundtrack was released for free. The thing sounds like i'd fit in here pretty well.

It's incredible as well, instead of just taking the bits of music loops that comprised the music in the game they've made proper songs out of them, extending them where appropriate etc. I can't wait for the next 2 volumes.

Babby Sathanas
May 16, 2006

bearbating is now adorable
Considering it came out after Epitaph it made most FLA fans breathe a sigh of relief. I remember not being overly impressed by it at the time, although I don't think I had hyped myself up for an album more than I had that one (only time I've ever put an album release on a calendar.)

I think it's a better album now than I did when it first came out. Probably thanks to IED :laffo:

Interestingly the best (IMO) song from that album era, Sturm, is a B-side on the Vanished single. Worth grabbing. Infact all the tracks on that single are brilliant, Uncivilised is mindblowing.

Babby Sathanas
May 16, 2006

bearbating is now adorable
I love the lyrics on that CD. "Obliverate"? :stare:

Babby Sathanas
May 16, 2006

bearbating is now adorable
Goddamnit now I need to get a DSi. Thanks a bunch CAT rear end now!!!

Babby Sathanas
May 16, 2006

bearbating is now adorable
It's amazing how many of his finger prints you can hear in it.

Babby Sathanas
May 16, 2006

bearbating is now adorable
I'm afraid they're all completely different beasts. There's nothing like Civi, there's nothing like TNI, there's nothing like Hard Wired etc. They're (almost) all great in their own way which is part of the reason why I like FLA so much.

Those three I mentioned are probably my favourites. With a nod towards FLAvour.

Babby Sathanas
May 16, 2006

bearbating is now adorable

CAT rear end now!!! posted:

Yesterday I got an email from the shop where I ordered TNI from and they told me it's long out of print :smith: So that's why it's not available anywhere. I was wondering why such an important album was so difficult to track down.

Could always try eBay. You neeeed to get it!

boo_radley posted:

I've had good luck with Amazon's used sellers for stuff like this (and they do have many copies of TNI for you if you don't mind going with them) and came up with this completely insane book.

Click here to view the full image

What the hell, this is amazing.

Babby Sathanas
May 16, 2006

bearbating is now adorable

sethsez posted:

Honestly, is there anyone who doesn't think TNI is the best FLA?

I like Hard Wired better, just. Because of Mortal.


Babby Sathanas
May 16, 2006

bearbating is now adorable
That's totally awesome. Did you get the chess match?

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