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Oct 15, 2011

There he go

Pekinduck posted:

You log on to the wifi by connecting and going to any website, it then redirects you to the login page. For some reason, if you ever go back to the URL you first entered, it logs you out, and will again with that site for the whole day. You had to be careful not to have your first URL be a site you wanted to go to later. I'm lazy and just enter a random URL, I've gotten porn a few times in class aha. could finally have a use! :aaa:


Oct 15, 2011

There he go

Razorwired posted:

Okay so earlier I complained about having to review 101 poo poo in an Anthropology course because the professor did a lecture on urban Westerners being terrible at navigation because they think in relative directions.

I know this isn't quite the right thread for it, but would you mind expanding on this? I've never heard of this before.

There is another student in one of my poli-sci classes who is one those kids, you know, the type who oh so helpfully answers questions posed to the professor and just know everything. Today we were discussing the NSA's tapping of foriegn leaders' phones and this same guy (who looks like a total goon) starts talking about how Assad stole plutonium from the US and how we should stop spying on Israel :psyduck:

Oct 15, 2011

There he go

How Rude posted:

That's odd, most of the guys in my class (I'm a freshman) almost exclusively wear blue jeans and the girls yoga pants. Or shorts in this -10 degree weather if they're loving nuts.

This has been my experience too

Oct 15, 2011

There he go

How Rude posted:

Funny thing is, our Student Union has a really nice piano in the commons and most of the time there is some student playing a very beautiful piece of music in the afternoon. I enjoy it. :)

University of Minnesota? :v:

Oct 15, 2011

There he go

Hummingbirds posted:

People used to punch out the lightbulbs in the elevators at my dorm. Honors students are the loving worst to live with because they were sheltered at home and suddenly have a bunch of freedom that they can't handle.

Once someone even peed in the elevator. That was gross.

I lived in an honor dorm once, apparently some students got really drunk one night and managed to tear off one of the metal handrails inside the dorm elevator. The one that's bolted to the elevator wall.

Oct 15, 2011

There he go

BattleMaster posted:

Why even bother?

Because they think that's how you wash your hands? How are you supposed to?

Farecoal has a new favorite as of 03:12 on Mar 19, 2014

Oct 15, 2011

There he go

ToxicSlurpee posted:

One other thing about public speaking is that relying very heavily on notecards looks very, very bad. It can be handy to have a notecard or two to remind you of what order you want to say stuff in, especially for a long speech, or to jot down numbers you can't seem to remember, but don't outline your whole speech and stare at your cards the entire time. It makes you look like you're terrified of the audience.

But I am terrified :ohdear:

Oct 15, 2011

There he go

tbp posted:

College complaint: Latino students extra good at english 201 because they know all about essays


There have been 61640 posts made by tbp, an average of 27.56 posts per day,


Oct 15, 2011

There he go

Irish Joe posted:

I was just poking fun at the poor reasoning skills inherent in your political beliefs, and the impromptu nature of the rant. I'm sure you're a great student who is going to graduate with two useful degrees that will open plenty of doors at well-paying jobs that 1) don't start before noon and 2) will accommodate your many physical disabilities.

You're a colossal dick. Did you not get enough sleep or something? Poor baby :kiddo:

Oct 15, 2011

There he go

Gobblecoque posted:

The horror. :stonk:

I know, obviously a typo :v:

And I bet it was still 200 dollars

Oct 15, 2011

There he go

HOLY gently caress posted:

My complaint for the entire 2 years I've been here: loud as gently caress nerds in the cafeteria taking up like 2 tables with their laptops and doing poo poo like screaming for no reason and loudly talking about doctor who slash fiction in public, what the gently caress.

Same except Cards Against Humanity instead of slash fiction


Oct 15, 2011

There he go

Cythereal posted:

We're having as much fun grading them as you are having writing them. :v:

so you're saying it'd be mutually beneficial to ban essays

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