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Redeye Flight
Mar 26, 2010

God, I'm so tired. What the hell did I post last night?

50 Foot Ant posted:


Kobold Special Forces troops, gently caress yeah!

Meepo loving rocks.

If you didn't play at least one game as kobold military troops you weren't playing right.

Is it coincidence or design that the best things that come out of most of D20 seem to be awesome reptilian dudes? Kobolds, draconians, lizardmen depending on which ones you're talking about, I love 'em all.


Redeye Flight
Mar 26, 2010

God, I'm so tired. What the hell did I post last night?

Meinberg posted:

They made Satyrs into being about more than just sex. They became about passion and obsession. A Wilder satyr might be obsessed with sex, but a Grump satyr might be obsessed with parliamentary debate, and so a Childer might be obsessed with... stickers? Or something. I don't know what kids are doing these days.

Candy Crush Saga.

Redeye Flight
Mar 26, 2010

God, I'm so tired. What the hell did I post last night?

GimpInBlack posted:

Example Plot
[i]We're using the Twin Cities Metroplex Transmission, so while our fictional players are busy creating Sophie, Peter, and Hattori we take a look at the Transmission and start rolling some dice.

Ooh, hey, I'm from Minneapolis. This is pretty interesting: while I'd like to think we'd fare better in personal treatment going into the future--the state has a long blue history and came within a hair of electing a Socialist Alternative to local office in the last elections--I'm not sure why I didn't make the connection between our current medical industry and cybernetics. It's a very logical vector to take into the future and I'm very interested.

Redeye Flight fucked around with this message at 21:34 on Feb 2, 2014

Redeye Flight
Mar 26, 2010

God, I'm so tired. What the hell did I post last night?

Lemon Curdistan posted:

Jesus Christ, don't quote the entire post for a two-sentence comment.

Christ, I didn't realize I did that. I fixed it, sorry.

Redeye Flight
Mar 26, 2010

God, I'm so tired. What the hell did I post last night?

Ratoslov posted:

Generally, American history education doesn't cover anything in South American history aside from Hernan Cortez and maybe the construction of the Panama Canal. We're completely ignorant of the era.

Simon Bolivar sometimes gets a drop at the higher levels, but other than that, yeah. It might as well be ancient China for how much we learn.

Redeye Flight
Mar 26, 2010

God, I'm so tired. What the hell did I post last night?

GimmickMan posted:

I'm Argentinian and I can confirm that we do not learn anything meaningful about the pre-1800 era over here unless you take college-level courses with latin american history classes. It is every bit as ridiculous as it sounds.

In some weird way, I'm glad to learn this isn't just an American problem.

Redeye Flight
Mar 26, 2010

God, I'm so tired. What the hell did I post last night?
Hey, Cyphoderus, I think you're confusing "exploring" with "exploiting". I have no doubt there's a lot of exploration going on in the period, but most of the times you use the word it feels like "exploiting" is the right fit.

Apart from that, I have nothing to complain about. This is fascinating already, and I appreciate the pronunciation corner!

Redeye Flight fucked around with this message at 02:40 on Feb 9, 2014


Redeye Flight
Mar 26, 2010

God, I'm so tired. What the hell did I post last night?

theironjef posted:

Good things to come out of EU: Admiral Pellaeon. Maybe Talon Karrde if you change his dumb name. Maybe the Noghri. Maybe Thrawn. The end? Okay, maybe the Drall.

Oh poo poo nearly forgot the complete bonkers insanity of the "Tales of Lando Calrissian" stuff. I am 100% on-board with Vuffi Raa the starfish robot, and their battles against a space wizard that is in fact a tiny toad monster masquerading as a space wizard.

Hey, I'm calling you out--you're forgetting the X-Wing books and the majority of things associated with them, particularly on the Wraith Squadron end.

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