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Jun 15, 2008

actually the answer is to use mingw


Jun 15, 2008

Redhat ship teh rhel 7

Jun 15, 2008

I loving hate that kind of poo poo. I just want to have to look in one file, now it's two because it's "site specific"? gently caress that noise, 1 passwd file is absolutely fine.

Jun 15, 2008

Notorious b.s.d. posted:

files make bad databases, merging them is a pain in the rear end

if you ever need to edit config files from a script, and you don't use augeas, i will come to your home and damage your personal property

I use puppet for that so yes

Jun 15, 2008

Probably a really bad idea to get ui design and development advice from yospos

Jun 15, 2008

this thread is way too serious for yos pos gas

Jun 15, 2008

Suspicious Dish posted:

You should be afraid of yum. It's bad and stupid.

rpm -e --nodeps yum


Jun 15, 2008

That looks like a script i would make which means it's really bad.

Jun 15, 2008

question: Have you heard of wine-pipelight and will the patches in there ever make it to upstream Wine?

Valeyard posted:

scientific linux 6 comes with installations of texlive from 2007 and it is a 5gb install to update, and it is a pain in the rear end

linux is a pain in the rear end

don't use scientific linux

Jun 15, 2008

Mr Dog posted:

what's so bad about arch anyway? it seems like they more or less save you the trouble of compiling poo poo from scratch and otherwise get out of your way.

the advent of systemd erased a lot of "distribution" bullshit and homogenised a lot of trivial arbitrary poo poo to be the same across all linuxes, which is worth it even before you get into the whole reliable scriptable service management and queryable syslog thing.

My main gripe with arch is huge system changes every so often that if you miss them youre gonna have problems updating. I ran it on an old laptop that i used once every two to three weeks and every single time i wanted to use it i had to cj my drat system because they decided /var is deprecated and it should live in /usr/var with a symlink back or whatever. You'd go pacman -Syu and it would throw a fit.

Also a related issue is untracked files in directories pacman wants to do something with. I think i did the syslinux switch one time and it all went to poo poo because i had a bunch of old kernels in /boot that, although installed by pacman, were no longer tracked by pacman for whatever reason so it threw up its arms and said gently caress it.

gently caress pacman seriously. Don't even get me started about the aur

Jun 15, 2008

Awia posted:

i didnt follow advice and tried to isntall arch on my usb hdd
it doesnt work

did you read the documentation? :reject:

Jun 15, 2008

Awia posted:

i followed the beginners guide
im pretty sure i botched the grub installation because when i choose my hdd as the boot device grub doesnt show up

i wasn't being seriosu i was just being every loving arch forum user ever

Jun 15, 2008

i'm running cinnamon, i just can't part with that gnome 2 like interface.

Jun 15, 2008

oval office AND PASTE posted:

you'll join this decade sometime, i'm sure

Maybe in 2020.

Jun 15, 2008

I work in ~infosec~ and i enjoy it greatly hth

Jun 15, 2008

i like to travel for work but then i don't have a wife and kids so

Jun 15, 2008

pointsofdata posted:

i would consider using fedora for my linux needs if it wasn't called fedora

fedora was fedora before fedora-wearing neckbeards were really a thing so

Jun 15, 2008

Awia posted:

hats were already ruined

gaben ruined hats

Jun 15, 2008

Mr Dog posted:

Kay Sievers is soooooo butthurt about being called out by Linus lol

it's like dude you hosed up quit being a child about it and move on with ur life

link plx

Jun 15, 2008

welp i travelled back in time

Jun 15, 2008

ratbert90 posted:

In Ubuntu it's Dash, which is a lovely version of Bash.

dash is only used for init scripts and stuff, not for users shells thankfully

Jun 15, 2008

ratbert90 posted:

In 12.04 it's the default shell for users.


Jun 15, 2008

Notorious b.s.d. posted:

sles owns europe
what? where exactly?

Jun 15, 2008

Notorious b.s.d. posted:

germany and france

e.g. it is the default choice on for groupe bull victims^wcustomers

ok so germany and france, biggest markets sure but it doesn't "own europe"

Jun 15, 2008

SLES definitely has a decent market share in Europe but it really depends on the country which is more popular. In northwest Europe, sans Germany, it's all RHEL and some Ubuntu on desktops or w/e.

Europe is not a country.

Jun 15, 2008

RHEL is really good and if you ara a poor CentOS is really good.

Everyrhing else is garbage tier

Jun 15, 2008

ratbert90 posted:

RHEL in the streets.
Fedora in the sheets.

Jun 15, 2008

Fedora is good.

Jun 15, 2008

why is your libresolv coming from EPEL?

Jun 15, 2008

that shouldn't happen at all libresolv + dnf should be coming from base.

i can imagine epel having libresolv in the past, before rhel switched to dnf and now it comes in the base packages so they removed it

Jun 15, 2008

oh yum is still default on 7, just use that

Jun 15, 2008


Jun 15, 2008

The installer works absolutely fine for me

Jun 15, 2008

atomicthumbs posted:

i can't even remember what I was doing, but it was some edge case due to me only having wifi with a captive login portal. it would try to hit the internet through that and give up completely

ah right yeah, those suck.

i don't think the windows installer can deal with that either

Jun 15, 2008

mike12345 posted:

Does anyone still use Gentoo? I took a look at Arch, and thought if I want to gently caress around at that level, I might as well skip straight to Gentoo. Or *BSD.

Nah, Arch is like a spiritual successor to Gentoo and much better at being gentoo than gentoo ever was.

Jun 15, 2008

James Baud posted:

Thus spoke a man who doesn't appreciate context-aware shell command autocomplete for those things that perhaps you should've scripted or documented but never quite got around to.

(Not a zsh exclusive, not a zsh user)

Bash has context aware autocomplete.

Jun 15, 2008

James Baud posted:

I'm not sure how Arch compares, I gather their install is also several hours of bash command paint by numbers -perhaps they have the manpower and leadership to better keep things together on the doc side?

Arch has really good documentation. Their wiki is very good. They break stuff in Arch all the time but they do tell you in the docs how to fix it.


Realistically there's very little reason to venture out of Debian/Ubuntu/Fedora/RedHat.

Jun 15, 2008

pseudorandom name posted:

Apple has done more with AirPrint to make printers open systems than RMS and the FSF ever did.


Jun 15, 2008

cinci zoo sniper posted:

2017 year of the linux confirmedly on the desktop


Jun 15, 2008

BobHoward posted:

lol @ the commenters accusing mjg59 of being a Microsoft shill

they haven't met shaggar i see

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