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Josh Lyman
May 24, 2009

I'll be continuing with New Girl.

I call dibs on Scorpion (hoping it's Numb3rs 2.0) and Gracepoint (since I've seen Broadchurch recently).

Josh Lyman fucked around with this message at 15:57 on Sep 5, 2014


Josh Lyman
May 24, 2009

hollylolly posted:

We have our first fatality - Fox has canceled Hieroglyph.

Click to view the trailer of what might have been!

I had to remind myself of how bad this trailer was. The idea of doing a show in ancient Egypt seems promising but not on network TV, especially when there are vampires out of nowhere.

Really though, who thought "A CONVICTED CRIMINAL... ENTWINED... WITH A PHAROAH'S FATE" would draw anyone's attention?

Josh Lyman
May 24, 2009

Aphrodite posted:

I haven't read the comic book but from what I've heard, that might actually make you the least qualified.
Yeah, from what I've heard, the movie strayed from the comic but the show will not. I'm hoping a fan of the comic will take the reins since I'd like it to do well, not least because it's shot where I live.

Josh Lyman
May 24, 2009

I made a Madam Secretary thread:

Josh Lyman
May 24, 2009

Irish Joe posted:

Is that the obnoxiously cutesy engagement show or the obnoxiously cutesy engagement show where you can hear the couple's thoughts?
I believe Marry Me is the cutesy engagement show.

Manhattan Love Story is about 2 characters who meet in the pilot and their dating travails thereafter, and yes, it was sold on being able to hear their thoughts, but after the pilot, it's really not there.

Josh Lyman
May 24, 2009

JFC, this write-up for State of Affairs from TV Guide:

"Former Grey's Anatomy star Katherine Heigl is making her grand return to television, whether you want her to or not. In this political drama, she plays a top CIA attache who's tasked with one heck of a job: put together a briefing for the president (Alfre Woodard) to assess the greatest threats to national security. And just in case that doesn't sound stressful enough, she spends what little free time she has hunting down the terrorists who killed her fiancé, who also happened to be the president's son."

Oh my god, putting together a threat assessment briefing!!! :rolleyes: :barf:

Josh Lyman
May 24, 2009

PaganGoatPants posted:

4 episodes in. Is that a record?
Bro, do you even TV IV?

Josh Lyman
May 24, 2009

From a ratings standpoint, it's probably better for Hannibal to not go up against regular season heavyweights.

Josh Lyman
May 24, 2009

BSam posted:

Why? Is it not a very good show?
Hannibal is one of the best shows on TV, but very few people watch it. When we talk about ratings, we aren't talking a rating of quality, but rather Nielsen ratings which measure the number of viewers.


Josh Lyman
May 24, 2009

Sober posted:

Odyssey got renamed to American Odyssey for some reason.
People thought "Odyssey" had to do with Homer's Odyssey.

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