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Jan 21, 2008

Pouches, bandages, shoulderpad, cyber-eye...


m2pt5 posted:

Also found on that twitter account, apparently there's a Chinese knockoff of Pokemon Go.


It probably runs better than Pokemon Go.


Jan 21, 2008

Pouches, bandages, shoulderpad, cyber-eye...


Hey man gently caress you Mario Teaches Typing killed so much time my senior year of high school. They were unloading lovely Mac clamshells for $20 a piece and it could run Mario Teaches Typing so I was playing a game yet typing up a storm almost like I was taking notes.

Jan 21, 2008

Pouches, bandages, shoulderpad, cyber-eye...


RandomFerret posted:

Dude, there's way better options for that today.

Kids these days don't know what it was like trying to find games to play on os9.

Eventually I did find a working Typing of the Dead though.

Jan 21, 2008

Pouches, bandages, shoulderpad, cyber-eye...


My favorite are the bootleg anime sets from the early 2000's. Back then you would have to pay ridiculous amounts of money for a 26 episode series, I believe Cowboy Bebop was something like $100, to get the complete set. The fact these things were so expensive had websites spring up that offered complete shows for ballpark $20 and you would even see those sets pop up on Amazon in the marketplace. I bought a Cowboy Bebop before I realized it was a bootleg and when it came in I actually looked at the box it shipped in. They had managed to spell the names of most of the creators wrong on the box.

My friends girlfriend bought Doctor Who series 1 through 4 for $15 a piece instead of the shitloads the BBC wanted for them at the time and every menu ended up going to the episode list. The play all button didn't work, there were no other audio/subtitle tracks and the special features were just the episode list.

Jan 21, 2008

Pouches, bandages, shoulderpad, cyber-eye...


The girlfriend got me to install the Wish app and it's like 90% cheap rear end bootlegs


12Pcs / Lot New Pokemon Toys 2-3cm Mini Cartoon PVC Action Kids Toys Action Figure Birthday Christmas Gift Retail /. Add it to your wishlist!

2016 Emoji 3D Cartoon Printed Joggers Womens/Mens Cartoon Harem Pants Casual Trousers Novelty Couple Sports Sweatpants. Add it to your wishlist!

Len has a new favorite as of 00:09 on Jan 8, 2017

Jan 21, 2008

Pouches, bandages, shoulderpad, cyber-eye...


Doctor_Fruitbat posted:

I was a teenager when Crazy Frog came out; mobile phones had just managed to start producing proper sounds, internet culture was barely in its infancy and people were as tasteless a bunch of braying dimwits as they ever were. It was the perfect conditions for something so utterly and completely terrible to flourish.

Also thanks for the links, I'll check them out later.

Like the internet still wouldn't flip poo poo over Crazy Frog. Only now there would be more pictures with impact font, a Chuck Tingle book, and maybe a Facebook group called That Noise the Frog Makes.

The internet is every bit as retarded now as it was then.

Jan 21, 2008

Pouches, bandages, shoulderpad, cyber-eye...


Somfin posted:

Coupla heavy-rear end batteries and a buncha lights, by all accounts.

No way man. It was his soul. Because Pulp Fiction had supernatural elements don't ya know

Jan 21, 2008

Pouches, bandages, shoulderpad, cyber-eye...


Hey anything to get filthy millennials to have protected sex. America has this issue where we want to pretend our youth aren't having sex because our abstinence only sex Ed courses totally work bro. So if they market condoms at them going "hey dumbass keep one on you" I don't see that as a bad thing.

Jan 21, 2008

Pouches, bandages, shoulderpad, cyber-eye...


Aramoro posted:

We had an indian restaurant here that used to make something called The Killer which if you could eat you got it free. It hospitalised multiple people before they stopped doing it. People who like hot for hots sake are mentally deranged and should seek help.

I used to work at a popcorn place and the owner was a hot = flavor type so we had a popcorn that was just standard butter popcorn covered in Carolina Reaper flakes. It sold very poorly but he had me make 10 gallons of it every week to replace was went stale because he was not good at measuring public interest.

Jan 21, 2008

Pouches, bandages, shoulderpad, cyber-eye...


Captain Invictus posted:


I absolutely adore the stupid bullshit max temkin/the cards against humanity people do with their millions and millions of dollars

They sure do like to use Black Friday as the day to go "Hey! Look at us! We sure do exist!"

Fingers crossed that Trump's wall never sees the light of day because I'm not sure I'm down with my tax dollars paying for a wall and all the legal fees as the Trump Administration tries to eminent domain the land they bought.

Jan 21, 2008

Pouches, bandages, shoulderpad, cyber-eye...


Captain Invictus posted:

I mean, outside of them being a household name in a lot of college campuses and lots of folks up through late 20's/early 30s, yeah, nobody remembers they exist

Like every party I've been to in the last three years has had at least one or more games going throughout. They're a lot bigger than you might realize.

I wasn't saying people don't know who they are. But how else do you categorize raising the price on black Friday, selling a literal box of poo poo, selling literally nothing, and digging a hole? Sounds to me like they're just doing things to say "Hey we exist!"

Jan 21, 2008

Pouches, bandages, shoulderpad, cyber-eye...


Grassy Knowles posted:

Same reason any company advertises in any form? Why does McDonalds have ads when everyone knows they exist? Because they've found sales drop if they don't constantly remind you

That's true. Maybe I'm alone in thinking the game is bad and the advertisements aren't really funny in any way.

And I'm curious why did you buy so many boxes of literal poo poo and why were people willing to pay extra for a box of literal poo poo?

Jan 21, 2008

Pouches, bandages, shoulderpad, cyber-eye...


Although CAH has inspired a shitload of knockoffs thanks to the "no retail" policy they used to have. Which is pretty fitting for this thread. I still don't get how it's caught on since it's just non sequiturs that would get someone ostracized from a group any other time. But if it's on a card it becomes completely cool to respond to "things I think about during sex ________" with "date rape" (admittedly the date rape card is gone in editions) but it was funny to the devs at one time which :stare:

Jan 21, 2008

Pouches, bandages, shoulderpad, cyber-eye...


Pakled posted:

The only worthwhile parts of the Star Wars EU are the Thrawn Trilogy and the first four books in the X-Wing series. Everything else is trash. In fact, the ones I liked are probably trash too because I read them when I was like 12.

I occasionally debate rereading the xwing books but I always put it off because what if they aren't as good now?

Although the Rogue Squadron ones were definitely better than the Wraith Squadron ones.

Jan 21, 2008

Pouches, bandages, shoulderpad, cyber-eye...


To be fair to the EU it isn't like it published books about tits. Nerds just went "OH poo poo STAR WARS HAS TITS" and furiously one handed typed up articles about it.

Jan 21, 2008

Pouches, bandages, shoulderpad, cyber-eye...


I never read shadows but I did have the Dash Rendar action figure and he had a cool gun so the character is justified

Jan 21, 2008

Pouches, bandages, shoulderpad, cyber-eye...


Teketeketeketeke posted:

That was pretty nakedly blowing the doors wide open for a sequel...

According to wookiepedia he was rumored to have faked his death and done stuff behind the scenes during the New Jedi Order series

Jan 21, 2008

Pouches, bandages, shoulderpad, cyber-eye...


Snowglobe of Doom posted:

Holy poo poo I just remembered this one:

It's the US release of the Japanese film Nausicaä of the Valley of the Wind. They cut about half an hour from the film and re-edited it to make it a bland action-adventure film with new dialogue that had nothing to do with the original and they also dumped most of the environmentalism angle. You can imagine Miyazaki's reaction when he heard what they'd done.

Dunno if it's true or not but apparently for Princess Mononoke he mailed a katana with the message "no cuts" out to the localization office

Jan 21, 2008

Pouches, bandages, shoulderpad, cyber-eye...


EorayMel posted:

Shut up about racism and post more bootlegs.

Like these:

Or these:

What makes those bootlegs? They just look like old cheesy action figures to me

Jan 21, 2008

Pouches, bandages, shoulderpad, cyber-eye...


Johnny Aztec posted:

2: Wtf? Newsgrounds is still around? Gonna go watch me some Salad Fingers!

It is an it's significantly less porny now

Jan 21, 2008

Pouches, bandages, shoulderpad, cyber-eye...


Johnny Aztec posted:

I guess call me Double Old Man, because when I was kicking around Newsgrounds, it wasn't hardly porny at all.*

*That I recall. I was on dial up at the time, i think, but I was also a horny little teenager, soI am sure I would have found it if it was on newsgrounds at the time.

Lets see...when was it that had the newsgrounds mascot doing a school shooting? That was pretty early on, innit?

I remember Newgrounds in highschool having the dating sims category almost always featured on the front page and that was a pretty porny section

Jan 21, 2008

Pouches, bandages, shoulderpad, cyber-eye...


Humphreys posted:

Sorry, not up with the memes

Obvious Plant is a comedian or are comedians memes now?

Jan 21, 2008

Pouches, bandages, shoulderpad, cyber-eye...


Snowglobe of Doom posted:

That's not a bootleg, it's an officially licenced toyline. There was a ton of other versions as well: Camping Spider-Man, Safari Spider-Man, Beach Spider-Man, Ninja Spider-Man, Space Spider-Man, Fireman Spider-Man, Skateboard Spider-Man, Razor Scooter Spider-Man ....

Spiderman Adventure Hero

And you can own scooter spider for $90!

Jan 21, 2008

Pouches, bandages, shoulderpad, cyber-eye...


jojoinnit posted:

The gently caress?

Jan 21, 2008

Pouches, bandages, shoulderpad, cyber-eye...


AFewBricksShy posted:

Can someone explain the quote? I thought it was from the mister Belvedere fan club skit from Saturday night live back in the 90’s but I’m assuming no ones day would be ruined by Tim meadows in a glass jar.

My Little pony jizz jar.

Jesus why do I know that off the top of my head

Jan 21, 2008

Pouches, bandages, shoulderpad, cyber-eye...


Smoke posted:

So I hear the Avengers got a new member... (spotted in a Euroland shop here that also had repaints of the Captain Scarlet Angel Interceptors labelled as Star Wars product)

Apologies for the quality, I had to take a quick snap due to staff being around.

Is that Batman next to the stormtrooper? Or is it supposed to be hulkbuster armor?

Edit: actually I bet it's just a hosed up Ultron

Jan 21, 2008

Pouches, bandages, shoulderpad, cyber-eye...


RBA Starblade posted:

I think it's the power armor from BvS.

That's what I thought it looked like

Jan 21, 2008

Pouches, bandages, shoulderpad, cyber-eye...


At least Thanos was in Fortnite. They could have gone for something else popular that wasn't related instead

Jan 21, 2008

Pouches, bandages, shoulderpad, cyber-eye...



So... a console styled after the Xbox One, a PlayStation styled controller, and a Nintendo game.

Jan 21, 2008

Pouches, bandages, shoulderpad, cyber-eye...


I can't tell if comes preloaded with 600 rooms and that's it or if you can add a SD card and get more

Jan 21, 2008

Pouches, bandages, shoulderpad, cyber-eye...


Croccers posted:

For a good month Wish kept on advertising illegal things to me.

Crack pipes are legal until you use it for crack :colbert:

The marijuana seeds it sells though are another story

Jan 21, 2008

Pouches, bandages, shoulderpad, cyber-eye...


Man that Lepin Death Star is pretty slick and is less than half the price of a Lego. That's a drat steal

Jan 21, 2008

Pouches, bandages, shoulderpad, cyber-eye...


I'm on mobile. What's the easiest way to get a nsfw image to the forums? This thing popped up on Wish and it's :stare:

I think you'll like New Creative Brooch Wonder Woman Brooch Denim Drop Oil Brooch Badge. Add it to your wishlist!

Jan 21, 2008

Pouches, bandages, shoulderpad, cyber-eye...


Jan 21, 2008

Pouches, bandages, shoulderpad, cyber-eye...


Blaze Dragon posted:

Bootleg as it is, I'd get it, it could be useful...although if it can be at that harsh of a discount, I fear what it may do to the Switch's own battery.

Also I brought a bunch of bootlegs of my own, found today on a shop close to my house.

It's basically this

Only from super noted brand Ankes

Jan 21, 2008

Pouches, bandages, shoulderpad, cyber-eye...



Jan 21, 2008

Pouches, bandages, shoulderpad, cyber-eye...


LadyPictureShow posted:

Uh hello? Don't tell me you don't remember Lando's signature weapon.

The description doesn't help it make sense

Jan 21, 2008

Pouches, bandages, shoulderpad, cyber-eye...


bad posts ahead!!! posted:

here is a gun that shoots money. i have no idea how it actually works.

They use something like that on Nailed It when they give out the prize money

Jan 21, 2008

Pouches, bandages, shoulderpad, cyber-eye...


I typed Resident Evil into the play store.


Jan 21, 2008

Pouches, bandages, shoulderpad, cyber-eye...


Blaze Dragon posted:

I really, really want to know what's the point of that "transformation".

Now it's just an oversized head to store instead a whole body. The Savings!

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