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Drunk Theory
Aug 20, 2016

Oven Wrangler

Oh dear. Looks like MOMA will need another week to be vindicated. Shock of shocks.

Also hello new thread.


Drunk Theory
Aug 20, 2016

Oven Wrangler

Beexoffel posted:

What I get from Derek's forum and twitter, almost nothing happened to SC. So what are we posting about these past 250 pages?

Quavers posted:

(Stealing Daztek's valor)

Also, call your parents.

Drunk Theory
Aug 20, 2016

Oven Wrangler

Sunswipe posted:

I don't like cheese, that makes pizza poo poo to me.

Hmm. I see someone hasn't had good Pizza Bianca. I'd suggest that. Or Foccacia, which is pizza like.

Phi230 posted:

whats the actual context behind sandi's look

The context being she was in front of a green screen, they stopped the background effect, and she thinks she's off camera.

Drunk Theory fucked around with this message at 01:34 on Dec 8, 2016

Drunk Theory
Aug 20, 2016

Oven Wrangler

The Titanic posted:

I don't think pizza has health value in any form. :)

It's bread and other ingredients. It can be perfectly reasonable if you either split it between people or make a personal thing of say 4-6 oz of dough. What gets people in trouble quickly with pizza is how easy it is to overeat. You shouldn't eat 8+ oz of dough for one meal, just like you shouldn't eat half a loaf of bread for a sandwich.

Drunk Theory
Aug 20, 2016

Oven Wrangler

Sunswipe posted:

Maybe it's because pizza is overpriced cheese on toast for wankers? :shrug:

You really need to try some Pizza Bianca. You might think of it as just bread though.

Drunk Theory
Aug 20, 2016

Oven Wrangler

Enchanted Hat posted:

The fact that they didn't mocap ben for sitting down and getting up makes me feel grief :(

They learned their lesson from last time. Ben should have nothing to do with ship seats.

Drunk Theory
Aug 20, 2016

Oven Wrangler

EverettLO posted:

Elite: Dangerous has a tabletop RPG hitting kickstarter on the 16th. How long until RSI realizes there are other untapped funding angles?

No need. CIG are already the masters of the metagame. A tabletop would be redundant.

Drunk Theory
Aug 20, 2016

Oven Wrangler

Sarsapariller posted:

A forum post quoting your tweet which is responding to your other tweet which links your blog post which is mostly built out of posts from the forums.

But where else would you learn "things" are happening at CIG?

Drunk Theory
Aug 20, 2016

Oven Wrangler

TheAgent posted:

because gently caress why not

quote this post with your five best predictions of tomorrows live stream, whoever is most accurate wins wither a copy of elite dangerous or planet coaster or a steam game of equivalent or a donation to some loving charity because its christmas you stupid game addicted nerds

1. vignettes are finally shown for SQ42
2. star marine trailer with boot camp guy video, kinda corny
3. 2.6! amazing stuff that was shown last month
4. ptu announcement for 2.6
5. new features that are coming in 3.0, small demo

Sure, why not.
- Stream will start on time, hosted by [random professional marketer] and Sandi.
- Their will be a year in review video
- Concept sale, christmas discount sales, etc.
- 2.6 is now being rolled into 3.0
- Streamers playing Star Marine, which will be released to the backers as a seperate module Q1 2017.

Drunk Theory
Aug 20, 2016

Oven Wrangler

hardycore posted:

big bennys! ha! ha!

It's like the one hook they have. Even CIG are reduced to "Ben fat" jokes.

Thanks for the TVIVing thread. For those stuck in airports.

Drunk Theory
Aug 20, 2016

Oven Wrangler

TheLightPurges posted:

considering they just released 2 new lti ships and a ton of packages thats fairly low.

Was going to say, two new ships, Christmas, bunch of cash only packages. That's in the toilet for them.

Mind you, it's really loving sad that dad's with new babies can offer a more professional stream environment while not making 100k while doing it. But that's this whole project for ya.

Drunk Theory
Aug 20, 2016

Oven Wrangler
So if Ben and Lando are no longer the community team, what do they do there? Well beyond being shoved in front of cameras in clown costumes.

Drunk Theory
Aug 20, 2016

Oven Wrangler

MedicineHut posted:

Holy gently caress. Min 05:46

Star Citizen: We donīt care about development

Mentioning that Relay.SC crap, they posted their transcript. Something jumped out at me.


On the 26th they'll be bringing back all the ships that were on sale during the November Anniversary sale.

CIG are really pushing it this year aren't they?

Drunk Theory
Aug 20, 2016

Oven Wrangler

peter gabriel posted:

So I'm back, how is 2.6?

It's good. Look forward to full release on 12/25/16.

Drunk Theory
Aug 20, 2016

Oven Wrangler
Catching up. I'd like to congratulate CIG on finally releasing an arena shooter that requires restarting the executable between matches in a FPS engine. And making it available to 10$ month subscribers first.

Great job everyone.

Drunk Theory
Aug 20, 2016

Oven Wrangler

Erenthal posted:

Did Pgabz lie????

Yes. Pgabz has a long tradition of falsehoods.. Example. Remember when Pgabz told us Star Citizen's develop would take about 2 years in 2012. He told us it would get stale if it went longer than 3 years, but here we are.

You should stop being such an angry liar Pgabz. Also, you should stop selling ships.

Drunk Theory
Aug 20, 2016

Oven Wrangler

Ahh, so it's being abandoned then. Good work as always CIG.

Drunk Theory
Aug 20, 2016

Oven Wrangler

Hav posted:

Dazmac Smoocher

I'd follow Dazmac Smoocher anywhere.

Drunk Theory
Aug 20, 2016

Oven Wrangler

AP posted:



Playing Star Citizen as the invisible man with no ships

Play Star Citizen as a visible player with access to all my ships...Please...Pretty please!

I do love this "bug". I can't decide between intentionally malicious or utter incompetence. What technical reason could exist that caused 2.6 PTU to break live 2.5?

Drunk Theory
Aug 20, 2016

Oven Wrangler
My joke prediction of a release on 12/25/16 is looking more and more possible.

Drunk Theory
Aug 20, 2016

Oven Wrangler

Dongattack posted:

My friend wants to see the missiles sold for irl money, but i can't figure out how to navigate their store and i can't find it. Anyone got a link to them?

Their site is confusing as gently caress. The page where you buy ingame weapon mounts and weapons is all in UEC. The only way to get UEC is to go up to store and choose "Game Credits" where you can buy packs of them. All packs are in 1,000 = 1$ for me.

Enjoy your 8$ weapon mounts and 70$ missiles.

Drunk Theory
Aug 20, 2016

Oven Wrangler

Krycek posted:

A thing is out. They put "2.6" on the label. It is buggy af and is missing most of the previously promised features for what they have been calling 2.6 for months now.

Or put another way. Yes. CIG released 2.6.

Drunk Theory
Aug 20, 2016

Oven Wrangler

Poor commando. Firing a missile costs like 20 dollars.

Drunk Theory
Aug 20, 2016

Oven Wrangler

XK posted:

Somebody is going to be yelling at Ben Parry in the near future.

Not sure why. This is the most openly developed game in history. Which is why we needed to find this out from an non-engine team employee on a subforum for a competitors product.

Basically, what I'm saying is that no one will care except people who are already critical of CIG.

Drunk Theory fucked around with this message at 19:55 on Dec 29, 2016

Drunk Theory
Aug 20, 2016

Oven Wrangler

XK posted:

I read your blog, and it wasn't as clear as it should've been. In your blog you stated something about Ben Parry backdating the engine switch, but his claims didn't become clear to me until I actually read his posts of the Frontier forums.

That dumb mspaint of branches was nowhere near as clear as his posts. That mspaint thing only baffled me.

Well, from the standpoint of clear arguements, ya he'd want to do that. But I got some respect for Dsmart for creating that baffling MSpaint thing. It's great low effort trolling which I appreciate more than blogs.

Drunk Theory
Aug 20, 2016

Oven Wrangler

Tarquinn posted:

Who the gently caress is Ben Parry?

CIG employee who posts over on the Frontier forums. I haven't really focused what his specialty is, but I think it's lighting? Either way, he's commenting on this "engine change", and providing clarification that nothing actually changed.

Drunk Theory
Aug 20, 2016

Oven Wrangler

Oh....My whole concept of the intent of that image was wrong. Thanks.

Drunk Theory
Aug 20, 2016

Oven Wrangler

XK posted:

That elevator looked pretty trashy, too, and was out of certification. I guess that's how much money you make working for CIG, while still having another job. Santa Monica isn't cheap, though, but still.

They could also have cut his hours. I mean, he's a media face for them right? So if they've decided to shift away from hours and hours of mindless streaming, then they probably cut him down to part-time.

From a business standpoint that doesn't give a poo poo about employees, it only makes sense.

Drunk Theory
Aug 20, 2016

Oven Wrangler

Meridian posted:

Just print the thread and throw it in a three ring binder.

Appendix VII: Catte Photos
Appendix VIII: :gary:

Drunk Theory
Aug 20, 2016

Oven Wrangler

Pfftt...Ha ha ha. I know, I know, deadhorse. But that image is pretty good.

Drunk Theory
Aug 20, 2016

Oven Wrangler

Cool. Mousepads. They've finally produced something everyone.

Shows over, product is done.

Drunk Theory
Aug 20, 2016

Oven Wrangler

JugbandDude posted:

Tbh it's silly to complain about the mousepad: it is the woman's job and doesn't impact dev resources at all.

And I gotta admit it's pretty cool, to a certain extent. Another positive point is that it's so generic sci-fi, that I can boast it's a limited Stellaris or Star Wars edition or something, thus hiding my shame for giving ger money in the first place.

You know what thread you're in right? I think you can complain about anything here.

Call your parents.

Drunk Theory fucked around with this message at 22:40 on Jan 6, 2017

Drunk Theory
Aug 20, 2016

Oven Wrangler

JugbandDude posted:

Exactly, and I'm complaining about the complaints, so I'm pretty on topic.

*off to spite buy a completionist package*

Ha. That's true, carry on.
I think I also forgot to pay a taxxe so here.

Drunk Theory
Aug 20, 2016

Oven Wrangler

ripptide posted:

is deep dish.

That other thing is just a loaf of bread with something red and some pineapple on it.

Friggin heathen.

Oh more pizza talk, always fun. What you posted looks like a disgusting New-England style Greek pizza (not that the pizza type is disgusting, just your image). I suppose you could call that deep dish, since it must be cooked in a deep pan. Deep dish pizzas tend to have more oil as well.

The original image is probably a Sicilian, which is primarily identified by it's rectangular shape. Though it's the oil used and oil quantity that are more important for differentiating the taste.

Drunk Theory
Aug 20, 2016

Oven Wrangler

RobotDogPolice posted:

What about the people who are going to die before this ever gets released, after sinking hundreds/thousands into it?

They are the lucky ones. Reality can't destroy dreams when you are dead.

Drunk Theory
Aug 20, 2016

Oven Wrangler
What prompted diet chat? (it's something to do with Ben right?)

Diet is real easy, just count what you eat, find out a rough estimation you burn by sitting on your rear end for 24 hrs a day. Now go under by a few hundred cals.
Now, do that for the rest of your life.

Drunk Theory
Aug 20, 2016

Oven Wrangler

Chalks posted:

For fucks sake why did I think this would actually be any good

Not sure, you should know better by now.

Checkmark: Alien languages, MVP looking good.

Drunk Theory
Aug 20, 2016

Oven Wrangler

Sad part is I didn't get it until I saw your exclamation. Well done Nicholas.

Drunk Theory
Aug 20, 2016

Oven Wrangler

Fain80 posted:


I am out of this poo poo show.

My farewell post:

Holy Christ it feels great! It's like a huge burden has been lifted.

Holy poo poo. Congratulations. Good for you man. Jesus.


Drunk Theory
Aug 20, 2016

Oven Wrangler

JugbandDude posted:

Is that real world dollars? Pretty expensive poo poo.

Ha, kidding me. Those houses are affordable. Most don't even cost a Hornet. None of them cost more than a Constellation. Hell, most of those prices are like 10% of an Idris. Small potatoes in the virtual goods that don't and never will exist sphere.

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