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Sep 25, 2012

ProfessorMurder posted:

TNG had an episode that revealed that an ancient civilization (maybe the first intelligent civilization?) thought they were alone in the galaxy so they went around seeding it with their DNA. So most intelligent species evolved from their genetic code or something.
They've still had millions of years of divergent evolution tho, none of these fuckers should be able to interbreed and the differences should probably be a bit more dramatic than slight variations on nose ridges.


Sep 25, 2012

Aging Millenial posted:

The guy who made the Babylon 5 tv series wanted to do a reboot of the Star Trek franchise (before J.J "king of passable movies" Abrams got his hands on it) that took it for granted that all the major alien factions in Star Trek were related and the show's central storyline would concern this question as its ultimate story arc.
I'm not some sort of sad demented freak so I've never watched Babyon 5, related like a person is related to their dad or related like a person is related to a jellyfish?

Sep 25, 2012
And don't say the reason they can interbreed is future technology, that might work for the human/betazoid and human/klingon mudbloods but I doubt all the cardsssian/bajoran rape babies were conceived with artificial assistance.

Although that raises the question of why an advanced interstellar species doesn't have 100% effective contraception. Ducat would have been better off wearing a rubber rather than trying to abort his daughter when she was like twelve years old.

Osric fucked around with this message at 02:17 on Feb 20, 2017

Sep 25, 2012

gary oldmans diary posted:

we know everything about the hypothetical. youre just trying to hold onto a physical concept and a metaphysical concept at the same time when they dont work together. i recommend you disregard all metaphysical and see how plain and simple the physical scenario is
it really isnt the least bit complex

how consciousness is transferred? consciousness in a given instant is defined physically as a electrical and chemical pattern. please dont substitute the word "consciousness" for the word "soul" as you are really using/understanding it
We understand little about the neurological processes involved in the apparent continuity of experience

I think you are probably right but the questions people are raising are valid. If we imagine someone being duplicated down to their last atom without the original being destroyed then we see why people are doubtful. You wouldn't argue that the original would continue to perceive the experiences of the copy as if they were happening to the original. This is what people are talking about, the subjective perception of their own continued existence. Not souls.

I think you're probably right that persistent consciousness is a kind of illusion but I don't see how you can claim such certainty about this. Particularly as your fatuous description of the phenomenon of consciousness as "a electrical and chemical pattern" suggests that you are no expert on neurobiology.

Sep 25, 2012
Changing the subject, Voyager sure must have been equipped with more than the standard two shuttlecraft since they seem to destroy one every other episode.

Unless they have a giant replicator that's just constantly farting them out.

Alo they took the Delta Flyer = car analogy way, way too loving far. A drag race in space? That don't make a lick of sense.


Sep 25, 2012
If I saw someone IRL sit on a chair that way I would call the police.

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