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where is your boundary
I don't even pee in the same building as my partner
Door remains firmly closed at all times
You can briefly drop in while they're dropping trou
Open door policy
I poop in front of my partner
I poop with my partner
I poop inside my partner
I just stealth poop in my Goku pants
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Lascivious Sloth
Apr 26, 2008

by sebmojo
i'm allone, so alone


Jul 12, 2007

Fuck you say?
In public w/ strangers:

Furthest urinal

Obey the one gap rule

Hold the door for anyone entering or exiting at the same time as you. "Cheers mate" and "No worries" are the Only Responses

At home w/ wife

Don't talk to each other through the door

I'm fine with my SO using the bog if I'm having a bath or whatever but she is definitely not

If we're at home alone the cat can watch or she'll go apeshit

Don't leave empty toilet rolls or the culprit has to wear them as an Idiot Bracelet for 5 minutes

Songbearer fucked around with this message at 11:33 on Oct 9, 2021

May 29, 2001


MrQwerty posted:

open door policy and I don't give a gently caress about menstruation, but we both draw the line at taking shits


Fluffy Bunnies
Jan 10, 2009

he shits and pisses and does god knows what else in that bathroom, door wide open, bedroom door wide open, does not give a gently caress. which has actually been helpful because I can tell if his guts are messed up (he's got a lot of colon cancer family history and we're both worried about it, dude has also had ulcers from endless aspirin popping) and can kinda change menu plans to give his tum a rest because he's in the military and he's not going to actually request that, gotta be too tough he-man about it.

I accidentally farted in front of him once 8 years ago and remember that moment in horror every now and then. If I could piss on another planet, I would.

Me again.
Oct 19, 2017
I have 3 cats myself and there is no interior door closed ever, they disallow this. The 2 older girls will come and lean against my legs or nest in my pants and purr and this is good.

The 7 mo old will leap onto my bare knees and curl up in my lap, which is charming up to the point where applying toilet paper is appropriate, then with all the rocking and squirming things get dicey. I yearn for the day when he gets too big to keep himself comfy on my knees, but as it is I think the scars are here to stay.

...Humans? I poop in public bathrooms only if I must. At home? Lol no.

Colonel Cancer
Sep 26, 2015

Tune into the fireplace channel, you absolute buffoon
Always pee and also poo freely, life's too short to worry about that sort of thing

Jan 9, 2012

You can play a shoestring if you're sincere - John Coltrane
I wash my dick in the sink. #uncut4lyfe

Jan 3, 2020

by Fluffdaddy
I can't poo poo in public. Not necessarily because I find it uncomfortable, but because the toilet paper in public washrooms is awful.

I'd rather be uncomfortable and wait to poo poo at home than cut my anus up with one-ply bullshit.

Hell Yeah
Dec 25, 2012

when i'm making GBS threads the house is to be on lockdown and the police are to be called every ten minutes until i've finished. afterwards a team of operators clears the house while i stick my rear end in the decontamination chamber. no mercy, no regret

Aug 11, 2006

Have I got a headache!
I keep telling my wife that boys like a little mystery and please stop making GBS threads with the door open and also please remember to flush and that doesn't ever stop her

Jul 12, 2007

Fuck you say?

Hell Yeah posted:

afterwards a team of operators clears the house while i stick my rear end in the decontamination chamber

This is a great way to say bidet

Jul 17, 2012

Please don't sit on my lap.

Apr 29, 2009

X JAKK posted:

Dont you dare watch me wipe, I like to stick my leg in the air and really get in there.

Me too. IMO anyone who doesn't shove the paper/rag on a stick right up their hole to get all the poo poo is dirty.

Cue some clown with a bidet attachmenr bragging about it ITT until the day its cheap hose bursts while they're out, causing flooding and tens of thousands of dollars of household damage. That's some expensive making GBS threads.

Apr 29, 2008
About four years ago we lived in a place with a Jack and Jill bathroom set up. Having my pooping wife toss me a roll of tp through the shower room while I was also pooping is probably one of our best examples of teamwork in marriage.

The Management
Jan 2, 2010

sup, bitch?
Jack and Jill bathrooms are my nightmare.

Jan 7, 2020

I ordered luscious new gemstones from India and made new earrings for my SA mart thread

Remember my earrings and art are much better than my posting

New stuff starts towards end of page 3 of the thread

Stalizard posted:

I keep telling my wife that boys like a little mystery and please stop making GBS threads with the door open and also please remember to flush and that doesn't ever stop her


Unfathomably gross

I would leave a man for not flushing his poo poo regularly

No. 6
Jun 30, 2002

Lol if you live with another human. Just lmao.

This Is the Zodiac
Feb 4, 2003

I want a multi-stall bathroom in my house.

However, you shall never puke within 1000 feet of my home, inform me after puking that you have done so, or otherwise imply that you have ever puked in your adult life. This is a dealbreaker.

Colonel Cancer
Sep 26, 2015

Tune into the fireplace channel, you absolute buffoon
I poo poo into a communal litter box, with my wife

Jul 13, 2004

🎧Listen to Cylindricule!🎵

Pee, we won't even stop talking.
Poop, we'll give each other some space but also sometimes one of us is in the shower and that's... that's okay, if it has to happen.

great big cardboard tube
Sep 3, 2003

I'm a grower and so far 14 months in I have avoided my gf seeing my soft tiny weewee and I hope to keep it this way.

Aug 14, 2015

I wouldn't normally but if we're both already in the shower doing stuff, and the need arises, then the grate's right there so might as well just let go.

Mar 11, 2002
Gotta put a tarp down on the bed before any watersports, don't want any of that stuff soaking into the mattress.

Brother Tadger
Feb 15, 2012

I'm accidentally a suicide bomber!

Xaintrailles posted:

I wouldn't normally but if we're both already in the shower doing stuff, and the need arises, then the grate's right there so might as well just let go.

Partner Waffle stomping

Mar 25, 2016

I don't poo poo, my husband doesn't poo poo either

Jul 13, 2004

🎧Listen to Cylindricule!🎵

a few DRUNK BONERS posted:

I don't poo poo, my husband doesn't poo poo either

Is that how you met?

Jul 13, 2004

🎧Listen to Cylindricule!🎵

Brother Tadger posted:

Partner Waffle stomping

The tandem trod

Fleta Mcgurn
Oct 5, 2003

Porpoise noise continues.
Do not talk to me when I am peeing. I'm very serious. That's loving weird.

Colonel Cancer
Sep 26, 2015

Tune into the fireplace channel, you absolute buffoon
Just shout conversations when on the crapper, it's fine

blight rhino
Feb 11, 2014


Nap Ghost
I visit a platonic friend every now and then. She requests (insists) that I go chill on the balcony until she's done. The living room is literally 80ft away from the bathroom and there are two doors between.
Alas, to the balcony I go.

I'll take a poo poo and she stays put, but asks me to turn the sink on. I mean, everyone has their issues. But we were in a relationship for like 2 years, a long long time ago.

but anything for a friend, I guess

Stoop Kid
Jan 17, 2007

Afraid to leave his stoop.

blight rhino posted:

I visit a platonic friend every now and then. She requests (insists) that I go chill on the balcony until she's done. The living room is literally 80ft away from the bathroom and there are two doors between.
Alas, to the balcony I go.

I'll take a poo poo and she stays put, but asks me to turn the sink on. I mean, everyone has their issues. But we were in a relationship for like 2 years, a long long time ago.

but anything for a friend, I guess

U should leave one on the balcony for her

hell astro course
Dec 10, 2009

pizza sucks

this is a tough one to answer for the self-partnered

Apr 6, 2011

A Soft Nylon Bag

Spinz posted:


Unfathomably gross

I would leave a man for not flushing his poo poo regularly

Yeah wtf. How do you forget to flush your turds. I’ve been with my partner for ten years and if she started leaving unflushed turds I’d be asking what’s up.

Space Kablooey
May 6, 2009

I live alone but i still close the door when i go poop so the stink doesn't waft outside the bathroom to my bedroom. also i think it makes the bathroom a little warmer

When i pee i leave the door open because who cares but if I take long enough one of my cats always goes to watch me pee

Mumpy Puffinz
Aug 11, 2008
Nap Ghost

Space Kablooey posted:

I live alone but i still close the door when i go poop so the stink doesn't waft outside the bathroom to my bedroom. also i think it makes the bathroom a little warmer

When i pee i leave the door open because who cares but if I take long enough one of my cats always go watch me pee

this guy knows what's up

a peck of pickled peckers
Aug 3, 2014

I am your Redeemer! It is by my hand that you arise from the ashes of this world!

Funny to see how many goons have just completely given up and become submissive to their cats lmao

Jul 13, 2004

🎧Listen to Cylindricule!🎵

I really have, they've won

Three Olives
Apr 10, 2005
I FUCKING HATE POOR PEOPLE BUT I LOVE BEING FUCKED IN THE ASS and having two dishwashers in my CONDO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Honestly I still feel a little weird walking in on my husband naked, even if he is naked because he just took a shower after we had sex.

Molten Llama
Sep 20, 2006

Space Kablooey posted:

When i pee i leave the door open because who cares but if I take long enough one of my cats always goes to watch me pee

I close the door because otherwise the dog will come watch, and sometimes he gives little licks to the back of your knee while you're peeing



Mar 11, 2009

whats with coworkers who talk to you when you run into each other in the bathroom


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