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LtCol J. Krusinski
May 7, 2013

by Fluffdaddy
I mean, I hate Israel as much as the next Jew, but Jesus gently caress some of you people have some brain worms Re: Israel.

I know it’s not antisemitism, you folks aren’t like that, but goddamn.


LtCol J. Krusinski
May 7, 2013

by Fluffdaddy
It’s loving Hamas.

It’s also loving Israel.

They suck, hard. Both sides even, g-d help me for saying it.

But Hamas isn’t just homegrown anti Israeli terrorism, and the parts that aren’t homegrown are pretty awful.

Now take everything I said and find/replace with Israel because goddamn is the corollary is true.

The worst part to me? This is a democracy. Israel is a democracy. There is no such thing as good governments on long enough time lines.

God I hope this ends as quickly as it began, but I doubt very much so that it does.

LtCol J. Krusinski
May 7, 2013

by Fluffdaddy

I wonder if they sent the entire silver bullet or if they’re keeping delta or the SEALs in reserve.

That’s a goddamn lot of hostages, but Israel has a goddamn lot of special operations and so do their few “Allies”.

I gotta imagine it’s no more than a squadron and associated enablers / C2 strictly for the American hostages.

JSOC ain’t kicking in Gaza doors for Saul Rosenblatt unless he owns property in palm beach.

Ya know?

LtCol J. Krusinski
May 7, 2013

by Fluffdaddy
I think fundamentally we can agree that people, and by extension ethnicity and also by extension religion, were a huge loving mistake.

I’m half Native American and Half Jewish, and I just want us ALL to live happily and prosperously in a safe world of dignity and respect, and most of all kindness.

No bomb, bullet, knife, or tank is going to cure this ailment, we’re going to have to change all those variables.

I don’t know that we are evolved enough psychologically/mentally/biologically to do so, however.

So, Gaza Strip בוגאלו חשמלי 2

LtCol J. Krusinski
May 7, 2013

by Fluffdaddy
On second thoughts, burn it all down.

LtCol J. Krusinski
May 7, 2013

by Fluffdaddy
gently caress this.

LtCol J. Krusinski
May 7, 2013

by Fluffdaddy
Dumb Brain: We should try to get Israel to have its leaders subject to the ICC

Smart Brain: Arrest any of them that leave Israel. But uh, there’s something inherently wrong with making a list of Jews to hang in Europe. Just yeah, let’s not.

Galaxy Brain: Wait a few years. Let them make their own documentaries and have official records of military commendations etc to nail down precisely who was telling troops to shoot civilians and which troops did the shooting.

This will be easier with time, but it just leaves you with another long list of Jews you’re proposing to hang in Europe. Just… nope. Nope, nope, nope.

Nobody is ever getting justice for the Israeli Genocide anymore than Israel is getting justice for 10/7. Which…. They’re not, and now they have exponentially more blood on their hands than can ever be washed off.

I wish they had learned one loving thing from us. Just one. But no. What did we get?

Issssraaaaeeeelllllllll Jenkins!!!!! (Goddamit Israel you are bombing a hospital)

LtCol J. Krusinski
May 7, 2013

by Fluffdaddy

mrmcd posted:

Yeah, Interpol having any Israeli on a list of people wanted on outstanding warrants is just like what Hitler did. 🙄

Let me be more clear: Israel has the ability to Holocaust Europe. They’ll be taking a lot of Iranians with them too, but you better loving believe there is a true Jewish final solution to the European question: Mushroom Clouds.

Jews on lists for execution in Europe is a terrible idea. For historical, and practical, and honestly strategic reasons.

You think I’m kidding, and I am, but I’m a oval office hair away from the Venn diagram of joke and objective truth from being perfectly circular. And if you think I’m exaggerating, you are right.


LtCol J. Krusinski
May 7, 2013

by Fluffdaddy
I thought it was obvious I was joking.

Good lord.

LtCol J. Krusinski
May 7, 2013

by Fluffdaddy

madeintaipei posted:

You got a strange sense of humor, buddy.

100% made in the U.S. of A. Organic prodromal schizophrenia sense of Humor.

LtCol J. Krusinski
May 7, 2013

by Fluffdaddy

Proud Christian Mom posted:

As part of the ethnic cleansing the IDF is demolishing homes except yesterday 21 IDF soldiers died while mining a building when a Hamas RPG set off a chain reaction that caused it to collapse on top of them.

M-m-m-m-onster kill!

LtCol J. Krusinski
May 7, 2013

by Fluffdaddy

Edit- nm, this is poop touching, and I’m not trying to touch the poop on purpose.

LtCol J. Krusinski fucked around with this message at 04:44 on Jan 31, 2024

LtCol J. Krusinski
May 7, 2013

by Fluffdaddy
Absolutely a war crime, absolutely deplorable, absolutely nothing will come of it.

LtCol J. Krusinski
May 7, 2013

by Fluffdaddy

Crab Dad posted:

He was nuts so the cops drawed down according.

A guy in a military uniform sets himself on fire, I guess you gotta assume they're capable of anything.

LtCol J. Krusinski
May 7, 2013

by Fluffdaddy

Cugel the Clever posted:

Why folks choose to voluntarily climb that hill and show their full rear end is beyond me.

It’s GiP. 7.5-8 out of 10 of us volunteered to show a MEPS doctor our whole rear end in a top hat in exchange for less than minimum wage jobs were you could get yourself and a lot of others hurt or killed, lol.

Showing your whole rear end is praxis imho, whatever the gently caress that word means.

LtCol J. Krusinski
May 7, 2013

by Fluffdaddy
I will shed no tears for an IRGC Quds Force general getting whacked by Israel.

LtCol J. Krusinski
May 7, 2013

by Fluffdaddy
Gonna reiterate that offing an IRGC-QF commander regardless of collateral damage is a good thing.

There’s not really a thing called innocent Iranian government workers in Syria as far as I’m concerned. :shrug:

LtCol J. Krusinski
May 7, 2013

by Fluffdaddy
Oh no, won’t someone think of the poor IRGC general and his compatriots.

LtCol J. Krusinski
May 7, 2013

by Fluffdaddy
There are no innocent Iranian government workers in Syria. Particularly IRGC-QF generals.

Iran fully backs the Assad regime, and wants to see Israel eliminated.

It’s hilarious how you guys want to get precious over this. To me at least.

LtCol J. Krusinski
May 7, 2013

by Fluffdaddy
I guess 13 years of helping Assad fight his genocide just gets more goodwill in GiP these days. Who knew!


LtCol J. Krusinski
May 7, 2013

by Fluffdaddy

Kith posted:

you have been poisoned

Oh, ok.

LtCol J. Krusinski
May 7, 2013

by Fluffdaddy
McNally you were right to probe me, and those of you pointing out the obvious that we shouldn’t bomb consulates, I know you’re right. I know was in the wrong morally on this.

I’m just a huge fan of IRGC generals getting got. Not really anymore complicated than that and I made an rear end out of myself instead of just shutting the f up.

I’ll try not to let it happen again.

LtCol J. Krusinski
May 7, 2013

by Fluffdaddy

Dandywalken posted:

A series of motorbike couriers ferried the message at speeds that were by all accounts impossible to achieve

I got this reference, and thoroughly enjoyed it.


LtCol J. Krusinski
May 7, 2013

by Fluffdaddy
Jews have had all of history to perfect hating Jews.

You guys are so late to the party.

Israel sucks, most if not all countries do. Particularly religiously devout ones.

Personally I just want Iran to nuke Israel and Israel to nuke everyone else in the region and we can just loving finally write off that part of the world forever.

A man can dream.



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