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The Human Cow
May 24, 2004

hurry up

I found a Sony STR-7065A at Goodwill a year or so ago for $13. It sounds pretty awesome. I've used it as-is for a while, but I'm thinking about giving it a good cleaning and fixing it up however else I can after I graduate in a couple weeks.

More receivers need to have a shiny metal frontplate with lots of knobs and levers.


The Human Cow
May 24, 2004

hurry up

andretti posted:

That thing is awesome, looks great and I'm sure it sounds great too:3: Are you thinking about recapping it? When I recapped my SX-525, it wasn't that bad of a job at all.

Yeah, I think a recapping is definitely on the horizon. I'm graduating in Computer Engineering, and I got a nice soldering iron for my birthday a couple months back, so I feel like that's a pretty good combination for a little project when I move back home. Any suggested reading material?

The Human Cow
May 24, 2004

hurry up

Aeka 2.0 posted:

My local music store went out of business, anyone know any good online sites to buy LP's from?

I've had nothing but good experiences with Aural Exploits

The Human Cow
May 24, 2004

hurry up

HKR posted:

I might consider it. Good Will doesn't let me hook up speakers to test stuff and I'm slightly afraid that at $50 and no return I'll get it home to discover the speaker output sucks.

I found out the model number too. It's a Pioneer SX-5560.

All the Goodwills near me let me test speakers. Just bring in some speaker wire and be quick. I'm sure there's a pile of old speakers to use.

The Human Cow
May 24, 2004

hurry up
A guy on Craigslist here is offering me a Technics SL1311 (same as the 1301, but in black) with an Audio Technica cartridge for $100. Is this a good deal? I'm leaning toward no, but I'm not an expert by any means.

The Human Cow
May 24, 2004

hurry up
I want to throw my turntable through a window. It's a Technics SL-220 that I used to have in my study, connected directly to an old Sony STR-7065A receiver that I found at Goodwill. I decided that I wanted to move it up into my living area, so I bought this Behringer preamp and connected it to my Denon AVR-1910. Now, the sound will just cut out for a second every so often. It doesn't even do it consistently, just whenever it feels like it. I've hooked an iPod up to the preamp and played it without any issues for a while, so I feel like the problem is in the turntable. Does anybody have any ideas?

The Human Cow
May 24, 2004

hurry up
Found this Realistic STA-860 at a thrift shop on my lunch break:

It was only $25 and sounded great with some test speakers hooked to it, so I picked it up. It looks rad when it's all lit up, and the red lights on either side of the green above the volume knob dance up and down with the loudness of the music. I'm curious to see what the Expander knob does, besides make more pretty lights turn on, when I get it home.

The Human Cow
May 24, 2004

hurry up
If the feet screw on, I've used rubber chair leg protectors before as turntable feet. Cut off most of the part that the chair leg slides into and then stick a screw through the middle of the flat-ish part. They're like $4 at Lowe's.

The Human Cow
May 24, 2004

hurry up
I found this guy at a thrift store a couple of weeks ago but haven't had much time to play with it. Aside from a burned-out light, I think a good Deoxit-ing is all it needs to bring it back to its former glory. It even still has a protective plastic sheet on its face. Does anybody have any experience with this model?

The Human Cow
May 24, 2004

hurry up

minivanmegafun posted:

I don't want to know what you spent on that, do I? Fully restored a 2250B can easily fetch $300.

It was $99, so it wasn't the score of the century or anything like that, but I thought that wasn't bad since my cursory testing in the store turned out pretty well.

Smeed posted:

Great score. I would still look into changing out caps in that thing. I've never had a piece of vintage equipment that didn't either sound like rear end right off the bat or quickly degrade. I think the electronics go bad just from age.

I may do that...I'm decently handy with a soldering iron. I may go ahead and replace the lamps with LEDs too while I'm in there but something about putting LEDs in a piece of old equipment like this just feels wrong to me for some reason.

ChinaBob posted:

Whoah. Need to start trolling thrift stores

Be patient...this is only the second decent vintage audio find I've had at this store, and I've been stopping in every so often for 10 years or so. Non-corporate thrift stores tend to have better stuff because it's not shipped to a central location and recirculated. Goodwill even has an online auction site now to sell anything worth having.


The Human Cow
May 24, 2004

hurry up
I have this Shovels & Rope single in a rad tri-color edition that was only sold at Monster Music in Charleston:

It's only in 43 collections on Discogs, so I think that's my rarest thing.

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