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Stanley Pain
Jun 16, 2001

by Fluffdaddy
gently caress, I thought AM3 would run bulldozer :(


Stanley Pain
Jun 16, 2001

by Fluffdaddy
Just got word that a lot of ASUS AM3 boards are going to be AM3+ compatible :woop: There's already a beta BIOS out for my Crosshair IV Formula with bulldozer support. Good times!

Stanley Pain
Jun 16, 2001

by Fluffdaddy
This thread is full of nostalgia :allears:

Stanley Pain
Jun 16, 2001

by Fluffdaddy

Bob Morales posted:

All the techs at the Best Buy I worked at when the Athlon came out went to some meeting, I didn't go for some reason. They all came back with a CPU+MB that the AMD rep gave out for free! :argh:

I went to one of those when I worked for Staples. Was it the slot A Ahtlons that they got?

Stanley Pain
Jun 16, 2001

by Fluffdaddy

Bob Morales posted:

Yes. Did you get one too, you son of a bitch?

Yup :smugdog:

I actually sold it to some dude who collects this kind of crap not too long ago.

Stanley Pain
Jun 16, 2001

by Fluffdaddy
I don't know why people poo poo on the APUs so much. They are great CPU/GPU combos for the market they are hitting. That being the general consumer laptop market.

Cheap and well performing laptops that fare well in gaming. I don't think a lot of people realize how many people actually game on their laptops and will put up with 15-20 FPS on an Intel IGP.

Stanley Pain
Jun 16, 2001

by Fluffdaddy

mayodreams posted:

That being said, there is no way in hell this would go in my good gamin' rig.

Of course not. That would be silly. I'm glad that tech report and hardwarecanuks have put up really good reviews and show its strengths and weaknesses for what they are. A great and cheap multi purpose CPU/GPU for the mainstream laptop market.

I have an older A6 that still surprises me to this day with the games I can play. It'll be interesting to see what the price point on laptops will be with the high end APUs.

Stanley Pain
Jun 16, 2001

by Fluffdaddy

Blorange posted:

It's really not the APU's fault, and I do think they made a really compelling case for getting an A8-7600 at 45w in your next laptop. The problem is the laptop segment highlights how shittily manufacturers are making use of them. Customize (because nobody has a model by default) any halfway decent APU laptop and suddenly it costs 800 bucks without an SSD, is housed in a brick, and the manufacturer throws in a discrete graphics card for no drat reason. Their main advantage, which is being cheap but effective enough, hasn't been passed to the consumer.

I'll second the sentiment of WTF $800?

My A6-3420 with 8GB RAM Was something like $350 nearly 2 years ago. Toss in a $150 SSD and what more are you looking for in? Once you start customizing you're quickly leaving the mainstream consumer market behind. When I was in between "real" jobs I was a district manager for Geek Squad and the one thing that I took away from that is never underestimate how cheap people want to be with their hardware purchases. Be it monitors, laptops, TVs, whatever, people want to spent $100 and have it all. Heck take a look Display thread here. People want it all for $200 ;)

Stanley Pain
Jun 16, 2001

by Fluffdaddy
Intel for any kind of desktop built. AMD if you're looking for a good, cheap laptop that can do light to medium gaming, or a nice all in one HTPC box.

Stanley Pain
Jun 16, 2001

by Fluffdaddy

Rexxed posted:

The APUs aren't very good unless you need slightly higher end video integrated for some reason. Their GPU is a bit better than the onboard Intel HD GPU although Intel is improving. The CPU trails behind in performance. In a laptop they provide a little bit better video than the Intel HD, but still don't have the single core performance of an Intel chip so if you wanted to game with one it wouldn't be that fast (it's sharing the system memory which means it's DDR3 for video, and the CPU won't run the game as well).

This is not entirely true. AMD APUs allow you to play a lot of games that you would otherwise not be able to play with any other integrated GPU solution. The important part to remember is that price point of said laptop. If you're looking at something in the really cheap $300-$400 range it can't be beat. I have an old A6-3xxx series or whatnot (cost $350 CDN) and it plays the games I'd want to play while mobile. Things like Diablo 3, a couple of different MMOs, etc.

Stanley Pain
Jun 16, 2001

by Fluffdaddy

SwissArmyDruid posted:

[emphasis mine] That's more thanks to the engine, with how well it scales to hardware, than it is to the actual hardware.

No, not really. The difference between AMD APUs vs ANY other intergrated solution is the difference between completely playable and not at all :)

No one is saying that an AMD APU is going to net you 60FPS @ 1080p on BF4 on ultra, but it sure as heck can get you playing a LOT of games (even some modern ones).

Stanley Pain
Jun 16, 2001

by Fluffdaddy

Nintendo Kid posted:

I haven't seen an integrated graphics solution that couldn't handle Source games in a very long time. Integrated graphics on some lovely 2005 HP notebook I have around can handle 1280x1024 TF2 on low settings.

That's true I guess. Seems like the HD4600 can do pretty well in some modern games as well.

Stanley Pain
Jun 16, 2001

by Fluffdaddy

Nintendo Kid posted:

I checked Valve's stats recommendations just now. Turns out then-ATI had integrated graphics solutions that met the current Source engine (TF2 version) minimum released starting in 2003, and Intel and ATI had "reccomended" level integraed graphics starting in 2005. :v:

Hahah oh my. Yeah so I guess TF2 can run on my coffee maker now :shobon:

Stanley Pain
Jun 16, 2001

by Fluffdaddy
Such fond memories of my Asus Nforce 2 motherboard. :flashfap: :circlefap:

Stanley Pain
Jun 16, 2001

by Fluffdaddy

Crotch Fruit posted:

Part of me really wants to find an old 486DX based system to relive the DOS games of my childhood (Doom and Warcraft 2). Somehow DosBox just doesn't do it for me, I think its probably because I am on an LCD but back then I was used to plying everything on a crappy CRT.

I think you're weird. Just play Doom w/ the Brutal Doom mod + whatever launcher you want to use ;)

Stanley Pain
Jun 16, 2001

by Fluffdaddy
Oh god, IDE Cables :gonk: Never again!

Stanley Pain
Jun 16, 2001

by Fluffdaddy

Truga posted:

On the other hand, most of the more expensive cases these days have space for cable management behind the motherboard wall. I have an absolute mess back there, but it doesn't matter, because all the airflow is in the main compartment, and it's not like cables need airflow :v:

New "audiophile" grade cable concept. You have to let the cables breath, so the bits can flow freely. All you digital data will flow with much improved spatialness with and open sound stage and colourful brightness to the bits.

Stanley Pain
Jun 16, 2001

by Fluffdaddy

I see you don't like making money ;). Pretty sure I've seen $30K ethernet cables. :negative:

Stanley Pain
Jun 16, 2001

by Fluffdaddy

I see you haven't found these yet

Stanley Pain
Jun 16, 2001

by Fluffdaddy

Boiled Water posted:

What do you mean by this?

Microsoft dun hosed up.

Stanley Pain
Jun 16, 2001

by Fluffdaddy

mayodreams posted:

Just because your company works a certain way doesn't mean everyone else does. Most of the places I've worked at have had solid upgrade plan with regard to new OS and hardware cycles.

Sure, maybe the jobs you've worked for. But the majority of large corps do NOT migrate OSes in any timely manner for any numbers of reasons.

Stanley Pain
Jun 16, 2001

by Fluffdaddy

fishmech posted:

And how many companies that don't migrate OSes in a timely manner are really diligent about buying brand new CPUs constantly, again?

3 year HW cycle tends to be the norm. But we're not talking about HW refreshes, we're specifically talking about how "every company you've worked for migrates their OS on a regular basis" :)

Most corps have "recently" moved to Windows 7 and if you don't think that's going to be the norm for at least another 7+ years....

Stanley Pain
Jun 16, 2001

by Fluffdaddy

blowfish posted:

Basically 10 will become standard when all the win 7/8/8.1 shitboxes (which replace win XP shitboxes) finally die in 2025.


Stanley Pain
Jun 16, 2001

by Fluffdaddy

Paul MaudDib posted:

I read your benchmarks. Fact is IGP performance doesn't really matter at all, Haswell and Skylake IGPs are just fine for solitare or DOTA or whatever and any IGP is going to get creamed going up against any discrete GPU in any game that requires more performance. You are wasting your money buying based on an IGP, period.

You're being dumb.

Stanley Pain
Jun 16, 2001

by Fluffdaddy

apropos man posted:

Edit: just checked and it is installed during the OS boot. Is there a rudimentary microcode supplied by BIOS chips first, in case the OS doesn't supply microcode?

Yes, and it does get updated when you flash a new BIOS (and there's new microcode that was added)

Stanley Pain
Jun 16, 2001

by Fluffdaddy

Truga posted:

I put my pagefile on a spinning platter drive.

Please don't be doing the stupid. :)

Stanley Pain
Jun 16, 2001

by Fluffdaddy

Truga posted:

I'm a dirty cheapo and bought a tiny ssd to put windows and the 3 games I have installed on it, there's no place for swap lol

Get another SSD :shobon:

Stanley Pain
Jun 16, 2001

by Fluffdaddy
So it looks like going from a 2500k to the new Ryzen Lord will be a thing for me in the not so distant future. It'll be interesting upgrade time for sure.

Stanley Pain
Jun 16, 2001

by Fluffdaddy

PerrineClostermann posted:

I am unironically considering the 8c/16t as an upgrade to my 4.3GHz 2600k. Moar Cores.

I am you, you are me :shobon::hf::shobon:

Stanley Pain
Jun 16, 2001

by Fluffdaddy
I'm running a 32TB ZFS array w/ 32GB of non ECC RAM. :clint:

Stanley Pain
Jun 16, 2001

by Fluffdaddy

PerrineClostermann posted:

The ideal ZFS setup is 1gb of ECC RAM per TB, iirc. It's important, because it scrubs through all the data fairly frequently and a bit flip during the scrub will corrupt your data

This is straight up wrong and debunked by one of the co-founders of ZFS. :shobon:

Stanley Pain
Jun 16, 2001

by Fluffdaddy
Kyle is a lot handsomer than I thought he'd be :swoon:

Stanley Pain
Jun 16, 2001

by Fluffdaddy

Bareback Werewolf posted:

Maybe you should take a breather.

Stanley Pain
Jun 16, 2001

by Fluffdaddy
So if I were to go out and get a Ryzen CPU + Mobo + RAM Right meow, what would be the best option if I wanted to run memory as fast as possible? Going to be upgrading an i7-3770K

Stanley Pain
Jun 16, 2001

by Fluffdaddy
Which CPU and Mobo?


Stanley Pain
Jun 16, 2001

by Fluffdaddy
drat no one local has that memory. Impulse buy denied 😑

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