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Mar 16, 2008

official yospos cat censor
So what can goons tell me about the amd A8-7410 because the internet tells me next to nothing.


Mar 16, 2008

official yospos cat censor

Twerk from Home posted:

Don't buy it. What reason were you thinking of buying one? It's probably not a good reason.

it came with a laptop.

Mar 16, 2008

official yospos cat censor
the other option I could afford was a i3-4030u for 20 bucks more with 4gigs of ram compared to the 8 i have now.

Mar 16, 2008

official yospos cat censor
This is mainly a question about the hardware itself since I've been an intel guy for so long and want to know more about what I have on hand.

Mar 16, 2008

official yospos cat censor

Twerk from Home posted:

i3 with half the RAM was likely a better bet, unfortunately. Overall build quality with the rest of the laptop matters much more, though.

my desktop not too long was strangled by 4 gigs of ram, and the i3-4030u looking it up because info all things intel is easy, the cpu is super poo poo.

Mar 16, 2008

official yospos cat censor

Rastor posted:

Yes but I'm making the assumption that Apple would not make a new Mac Mini or iMac with a discrete GPU.

and still charge 1600 dollars for it.

Mar 16, 2008

official yospos cat censor

mobby_6kl posted:

Who's going to make it for them, Intel?

Samsung is likely.

Mar 16, 2008

official yospos cat censor

Haquer posted:

Yeah I like dealing with 50%-100% more cost to save me 20 minutes of work too.

Are you rebuying your cpu everytime? you do know rma's are a thing right?

Mar 16, 2008

official yospos cat censor

FuturePastNow posted:

I just avoid water cooling out of a residual fear that it'll spring a leak, or that the pump is more failure-prone than a simple fan. Maybe neither of those is true anymore, but I keep doing what I'm comfortable with.

All in ones are pretty safe now a days but pumps can be a but nosy and might want to get your own fans to be even more silent.

Mar 16, 2008

official yospos cat censor

EdEddnEddy posted:

So we get an AMD Broadwell-E of sorts.

Which isn't bad, its the closest they've been in a long while.

Mar 16, 2008

official yospos cat censor
We know ibm group may have found a way to 7nm and intel is the only one working on 10nm?

and honestly I see us stuck at 7nm for a very very very long time.

Mar 16, 2008

official yospos cat censor

Boiled Water posted:

The pessimistic side of me wants to say: If Intel couldn't break into this market then AMD has no business even entertaining the idea.

Also seems like the wrong thing is bolded in that article, I mean who needs 128 pcie lanes? . ... fake edit: Turns out the bolded stuff were hyperlinks :downs: .

NVME data servers.

Mar 16, 2008

official yospos cat censor

Everything we have seen so far would suggest broadwell ipc or close to it, now if amd could only do this for their gpu half.

Mar 16, 2008

official yospos cat censor

Anime Schoolgirl posted:

it's going to eat poo poo in floating point artificials (that nobody but HPC people actually use, and they prefer POWER over anything x86 by a long shot)

Who cares about floating point on cpu when you have gpu compute?

Mar 16, 2008

official yospos cat censor

Arzachel posted:

There are probably enough latency sensitive workloads that offloading to GPU or even APU doesn't always make sense. Too bad Intel kneecapped AVX by disabling it on Pentiums/Celerons for some reason.

How many nano/mili seconds does it take to offload work?

Mar 16, 2008

official yospos cat censor

Platystemon posted:

Tens of microseconds.

I am curious what workloads are that sensitive?

Mar 16, 2008

official yospos cat censor

Arzachel posted:

PCI-E bandwidth is what tends to bottleneck HPC applications, which is why stuff like NVLink is being developed. Not having to rewrite everything in CUDA also helps.

Are they actually running out of bandwidth with 3.0 x16 because titan xps don't get limited?

Mar 16, 2008

official yospos cat censor

Risky Bisquick posted:

Wild speculation :derp:

1888 @ 3.5

is that good or bad?

Mar 16, 2008

official yospos cat censor

EdEddnEddy posted:

Do you think it could be possible they are seeing it OC to 5Ghz on Air/Water?

Doubtful, but 4.something lowish is very probable.

Mar 16, 2008

official yospos cat censor

FuturePastNow posted:

Little to none on the stuff most people use a computer for.

Yes but what about the EMAILS quad channel!?!

Mar 16, 2008

official yospos cat censor

PerrineClostermann posted:

No true consumer would have a home server :colbert:

Also NAS/ZFS/RAID/etc. is not backup.

Also they should reallllllly care about quad channel memory because reasons.

Mar 16, 2008

official yospos cat censor

FaustianQ posted:

Why not an ARM solution? Or is legacy code holding them back? God NASA needs an actual loving budget.

Because the 486 can survive radiation in space and space programmers like to base things around clockrate like old dos games.

Mar 16, 2008

official yospos cat censor

Happy_Misanthrope posted:

It at least makes AMD not a brain-dead choice for system builders, but yeah - many of those game benchmarks are a little concerning. It's not so much that the 7700k is beating it so soundly in some games, it's that the $65 G4560 is so close in many games as well - I'm far more interested in the 6 and 4-core variants coming later, and this doesn't really bold well for their value proposition in at least gaming terms atm. I'm sure their longevity prospects are far better than a 2c/4t cpu (probably?), but when we're talking CPU's in the $100 range I don't think most expect ~4 years of use regardless.

We'll see with further optimizations. I'd like to see Watch Dogs 2 performance really as that's supposedly one of the most well-threaded games out there, haven't seen it being tested yet.

Is there a cities skyline benchmark with zen because I do remember cities to be a cpu heavy game more them a gpu heavy game in some benchmarks.

Mar 16, 2008

official yospos cat censor

Palladium posted:

How is this excusable?

AMD has been broke as poo poo for a while and didn't have the resources. But if you look at the 480 at launch and where it is today you will see improvements because guess what amd doesn't just release a product and move on. The 480's directx 11 performs has improved a bunch since release and equals a 1060. These are first generation teething issues because guess what amd hasn't really released a new chip in 5 years they forgot how to do it.

Look at first gen i7s the 860 and 920 vs 2500k, the first gen i7s where good but the refreshes where better and you can see zen doing the same. Also SMT seems to just be just stupid broken so benchmarks seem off?

Mar 16, 2008

official yospos cat censor

FaustianQ posted:

I mean if the 1 million CPUs already sold are correct.

Quarterly report should be interesting if true.

Mar 16, 2008

official yospos cat censor

Measly Twerp posted:

Our favourite Scot talks about the Ryzen launch:

Watched the video and the most interesting thing I seen was zen in consoles. That is an amazing idea because the perf per watt and how little watts zen takes to get some great perf is amazing considering what cpus are currently in consoles I would like to see zen+ in consoles even is I never buy a consoles because pc games will benefit from the lowest power segment getting some great hardware.

Mar 16, 2008

official yospos cat censor

Gray Matter posted:

Bought a new-in-opened-box Sabertooth 990FX R2.0 on eBay this week to prop up this currently stock FX-8350 another couple years after this underwhelming Ryzen showing

Roast me

ryzen isn't a pure gaming cpu its also there for productivity and vms and stuff. But hey if that will get you by till zen+ or whatever intel can improve on cool beans.

Mar 16, 2008

official yospos cat censor

Junior Jr. posted:

If those 1800X benchmarks are that good on a 1080 Ti, I'm having even less hope for Vega. If they're really going to stay competitive at this point, they have to be at least on par with Pascal (especially with 1800X) and not be 10 or so frames behind.

Vega is probably another mid tier gpu but hopefully with zen money amd can throw money at navi.

Mar 16, 2008

official yospos cat censor

Arzachel posted:

It's almost like week 1 is a bit too early to make sweeping statements about overclocking :v:

People also claimed that the lack of quad channel ram was the death note of zen so who knows.

Mar 16, 2008

official yospos cat censor

Toalpaz posted:

Ryzen Canada review!

It would be nice if they would sell me a x370 motherboard that isnt the asus prime pro.
This launch...

Please let me buy a motherboard.

motherboards isn't an amd issue its a partner issue.

Mar 16, 2008

official yospos cat censor

kirtar posted:

Well it depends on how you look at it since supposedly partners barely had time due to AMD handling the launch poorly.

Glowflo making a poo poo ton chips then charging amd stocking fee and amd rushing the launch?

Mar 16, 2008

official yospos cat censor

Zero Gravitas posted:

Because CFD and FEA is sped up by distributing the job to cores via MPI. I have options of dual core intel chips at sixty quid, or some AMD quad core chips (assuming theyre actual physical cores and not just virtual ones).

What about old cheap server cpus?

wargames fucked around with this message at 02:04 on Mar 13, 2017

Mar 16, 2008

official yospos cat censor

sauer kraut posted:

If Zen has such severe penalties for crossing clusters, maybe AMD should have set it up as a dual CPU instead of blabbing about infinity fabrics.

Numa isn't the answer because numa looks at two different memory controllers for two differant cpus. Zen only has one memory controller. So what might need to happen is a new scheduler just for this new type of architecture.

Mar 16, 2008

official yospos cat censor

Twerk from Home posted:

Do we know if this is true for Naples too, or is Naples achieving it's "8 channel memory" with 4 separate dual channel controllers?

Since napples isn't out yet we don't know yet?

Mar 16, 2008

official yospos cat censor

FaustianQ posted:

On Infinity Fabric

Hexs and Quads are 3+3 and 2+2 deals (LMAO when Raven Ridge might be a better gaming platform)

So what if Inifab was 512bit would that help things?

Mar 16, 2008

official yospos cat censor
So infinifab is cpu side and not motherboard, so we might see a 384bit bus toward the end of zen?

Mar 16, 2008

official yospos cat censor

eames posted:

Is there a reasonable explanation for the 2+2 CCX quad configuration beyond "two half defective dies are much cheaper than one fully functional one"? I can't believe they did this.

They built a bunch of 4x4 ccx and 1 or more cores failed so they pushed out the 2x2 to recoup losses and amd thought the ccx wouldn't be an issue.

Mar 16, 2008

official yospos cat censor
So amd unfucked their stuff?

Mar 16, 2008

official yospos cat censor

Boiled Water posted:

Would have made the differences if any more pronounced.

I guess the take home is save $20, buy a 7700k.

If you had pure gaming in mind.


Mar 16, 2008

official yospos cat censor

HalloKitty posted:

I think the Ryzen 5 6-cores with the high clocks out of the box (1600X, for example) are going to be much better value. When they refine the process more and get higher clocks out of these things, they're going to be good for every purpose.

Single core performance of Ryzen is NOT terrible. Bulldozer's single core performance is terrible.

From what we know the r5 isn't a better process just r7 with cores disabled.

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