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Jan 10, 2003

Twerk from Home posted:

I thought there were some decent GPU-based raytracers now that GPUs have 8+ GB of VRAM onboard?

Yep, Cycles is way faster on a GTX 1080 8GB than a 6850K with 64GB of memory.


Jan 10, 2003

lamentable dustman posted:

I haven't really been keeping up with CPUs for like 5 years but my 2600k has been showing its age (started freezing a couple times a week and I figure it is the CPU, memory, or MoBo going bad. Either way its time to update).

Might just need to reapply thermal paste if you never have.

Jan 10, 2003

crazypenguin posted:

So today we're in a partial state of "well, more cores helps a little (finally!), but we're not really making full use of them... yet." That probably won't change until we get the next generation of consoles, and game engines designed for them.

I wonder if the 4-core to 4-core comparisons, whenever AMD releases those, will show a more accurate comparison given that's essentially what the current consoles have.

Jan 10, 2003

buglord posted:

Has any goon here got a Ryzen build yet?

I want to build one just because. Keep going back and forth whether I should wait a revision. I don't need it for any reason but I want to build a Micro ATX one.

It's how chip fab works...

Jan 10, 2003

Risky Bisquick posted:

*except media consumption

There's a lot of aspect ratios used in movies, even modern ones. You can't avoid black bars.

Jan 10, 2003

fishmech posted:

It's unfortunate that so many laptops of all sorts of sizes still do the x768 poo poo. Maybe someone can just go burn down the factory that makes that specific resolution cheap so we can move on.

Yeah! They look like a blurry mess and even regular consumers are used to high dpi displays on their phones now. My only guess is there are a ton of baby boomers that like those low resolutions on big displays.

Jan 10, 2003

I want to see someone on PCP do a Ryzen review.

Jan 10, 2003

Gwaihir posted:

This makes no sense, the CPUs in the consoles have no relation to the core layout/architecture of new Zen chips. Other that having > 4 cores.

Why couldn't the Zen microarchitecture be used for a new APU for the next console generation?

Jan 10, 2003

Wulfolme posted:

So, tell me which one of these is closer to true, because I'm not pulling a clear message here:

Nobody is. You'll just have to wait and see like the rest of us. Flip a coin if it makes you feel better.

Jan 10, 2003

16GB for $174 is a bummer though.

Jan 10, 2003

On the topic of coolers, can anyone recommend a fan-based one for a 1600X Micro-ATX build? I don't plan on doing any overclocking.

Jan 10, 2003

SwissArmyDruid posted:

1500X or 1600, I'm not decided yet. 1600X not a big enough step up over the 1600 on the price/perf scale to warrant the stretch, imo. Something around the $800 mark per box, when all is said and done.

Have any links handy for 1600 vs. 1600X? I've been digging for a few minutes but so far nothing that compares the two directly. Particularly interested in Blender perf.

Jan 10, 2003

rex rabidorum vires posted:

The only two guys that I've seen with the 1600 and 1600x side by side is NCIX Tech Tips: and Tech Deals:

Thanks! I would have never found these because videos. You posted the same video twice but I found the other one.

Jan 10, 2003

rex rabidorum vires posted:

Oh very sorry about that. Hardward Unboxed just did a very similar one today talking about whether the 1600x is worth it or not. There is a fair amount of overlap between the other two and this one, but he does go into a bit of the OC'ing as well. Unfortunately though there doesn't appear to be a whole lot of Blender stuff out there.

Ooh nice, thanks for the update. It's weird because Anandtech's i5 comparison talks about all the processors, benchmarks everything... except the 1600. Quite annoying.


Jan 10, 2003

What's up with memory prices anyway? The same stuff I bought 6 months ago is 55% more expensive today and prices in general seem up from then. Thinking I should just pull 32GB out of my machine and use it on the new one, rather than drop up to $175 on freaking 16GB.

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